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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Of note, I don't believe there are any restrictions to entry. Meaning at HWT we could see Parris, Gwiazdowski, Zillmer, and Steveson enter and all place top 4, essentially stealing a spot. I don't think they will. I hope we see Parris, though. Maybe a Gwiazdowski as well.
  2. Rumor has it that new stud incomming frosh for Michigan, Mogan Lassa will compete for the 197lb spot for Michigan. Looks eerily familiar to Logan Massa, just with a bit of a gut.
  3. If you segregate the 125lb weight class from the others, he is. After all... Nicky Skeletor is still in the basement rolling around.
  4. I agree with this. I still don't see him as a lock, though. Has he been approved for the medical redshirt already? I didn't think they could until eligibility was used up?
  5. My Gilcher homer-isms are based on two things, for what it is worth... He has never really cut weight. He won his most recent state title at 150, but wrestled down and up throughout the season. He will have a set weight at UofM and won't be asked to fluctuate too much. He has the pedigree to succeed. His brother... with what most would consider is lesser coachigng... is coming through for Indiana right about now (I am actually hoping he joins him next season at UofM as a Grad Transfer at 165 with Amine going up his senior season to 174... honestly either at 174 would make me happy I think).
  6. He is listed as 141 on their 'official' roster page and not 133. My hope was Horwath at 125 and Lemley at 133, but it doesn't look like it at this point. I don't know if he is growing, or they are just planning for him to be 141(ish) going forward. Some guys do grow and Michigan has shown that (Drew Mattin went from 125 to 141 in one season for them and Zach went from 126 his senior year of HS to 165 his second season in the room for them... those are just recent examples). This said... if Mayora isn't putting out high results and Ragusin is at 141, I expecte Jerore, Lemley, Gilcher, and possibly even Mantanona to be given a fair shake to start. Kids are more ready now than they ever were coming out of high school. Also, if you had a chance to wrestle for UofM... which is arguably the 2nd best RTC in the country right now... or Indiana, even with familial ties... where do you go?
  7. Feel free to throw in thoughts, questions, concerns, etc.
  8. I don't think you're using the term correctly... " What does a lock mean in slang? someone or something certain of success; a sure thing 'He's a lock to win the championship.' /"
  9. I could give it a go at 65 KG, probably with a proper two year camp. Would be 74 KG right now, though. I don't think I am beating Jacques, let alone competing.
  10. Michigan has four (4) divisions equally separated by enrollment (1-4). As you can expect, Division 1 is quite deeper than Division 2, which is deeper than Division 3, which is deeper than Division 4. It typically runs like this for the postseason. Week 1 Saturday - Individual Conferences Week 2 Wed/Thur - Team Districts (3 or 4 teams per), Random draw for the bye, where applicable with one team advancing Week 2 Saturday - Individual Districts (Top 4 Advance) Week 3 Wed/Thur - Team Regionals (4 District champs per), Random as to who faces who in the first 'round' with one team advancing to the team finals Week 3 Saturday - Indidivudal Regionals (Top 4 from two districts are placed in to an eight man double elimination), top 4 advance to Individual States Week 4 Friday/Saturday - Team States (Seeded 1-8 based in in-season results... there is a criteria used, which includes duals against other teams who qualified in other divisions as well). Round one for each division is Friday with the semi-finals and finals on Saturday. Four States Champions each year. Week 5 Thursday/Friday/Saturday - Individual States (Regional Champs are seeded 1-4 then split in the brackets appropriately - per weight to separate 1/2/3/4 placers from each region as well). Place up to 8 per weight per division. Examples of past/current D1 wrestlers/teams - Davison, Detroit Catholic Central (Facundo, Amine, Gilcher, Yatooma) Examples of past/current D2 wrestlers/teams - Lowell, St. Johns (Dean, Massa) Examples of past/current D3 wrestlers/teams - Dundee, Richmond (Davis, Skatzka) Examples of past/current D4 wrestlers/teams - Hesperia, Hudson (Zeerip, Hamdan)
  11. Greetings All... only six (6) gents signed up so far, but this is what we have as of today... MFS 57 KG Nathan Desmond, Pennsylvania 74 KG Evan Delong, Pennsylvania, Clarion RTC Joseph Sealey, Pennsylvania Jarrett Jacques, Missouri, Tiger Style Wrestling Club 86 KG David Bates New York Rivertowns Wrestling Club MGR 77 KG Eddie Smith, Iowa, Sauk Prairie High School Wrestling
  12. I believe the plan is for Crook to redshirt this year, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them pull his redshirt if it means a spot on the podium for a team finish. Virginia Tech has a sneaky good and deep team this year and with Cassioppi out for the year it makes one less landmine for Catka to go through. All I mean is I wouldn't be surprised to see some lineup shifts happen (Lewis to 184, for example).
  13. 184 - Rylan Rogers, Michigan He may take some bumps because he is in the B1G and there are no easy outs there, but he will be right up there with Berge in contention for best (RS) Frosh. 141 - Sergio Lemley, Michigan If the plan is to redshirt Ragusin (which is not set in stone either way that he is or isn't), then we could see him make an impact Year 1. People are expecting a lot out of Kanon Webster, but a lot of folks conveniently forget that Lemley has the series edge on him. 149 - Dylan Gilcher/Sergio Lemley/Beau Mantanona, Michigan, If Mayora struggles... which I don't expect to happen until B1G season gets underway, we may see Gilcher enter the lineup and cement himself for the Maize and Blue at 149. It is also quite possible that Lemley ends up at 149 for them, if Ragusin doesn't redshirt. I suppose the same could be said for Mantanona for them, if he cements himself as the best option at 149 for UofM. 197 - Hayden Walters, Michigan If Bullock cannot stay healthy and Walters cements himself as the best option for Michigan at 197 over the likes of Yatooma and Striggow, which I believe might be the most realistic avenue, we might see Walters step in and take over the spot.
  14. Any chance a Grad Transfer comes in for any of the weights in question?
  15. College season coming up... head over to the local CKWC - Intermat edition...
  16. While it may not be Ironman or Super 32, the Grappler Fall Classic has been steadily cementing itself as one of the better preseason tournaments every year... surviving having to relocate to South Carolina from Michigan for a couple years, but now back in Michigan (I believe?). It is this weekend. Preseeds are out... I am most interested in seeing how 125 pans out and excited to see a potential Jackson Blum - Seth Mendoza matchup. https://www.michigangrappler.com/news_article/show/1285527
  17. 125 Early Favorite: M. DeAugustino Contender(s): None Spot Starter(s): C. Tanefeu, C. Horwath B1G Prediction: M. DeAugustino NCAA Prediction: Mid AA (3-6) I think we see DeAuggie man the spot when it matters aside for when he needs rest. I expect the smaller Tanefeu to get some spot starts here and there. I hope we can see Horwath getting reps down at 125 as I do expect him to get the Rogers treatment. Spot starts at 125/133 to get his five (5) weigh-ins done. I think DeAuggie keeps the injury and HEW bug away and he brings home hardware. 133 Early Favorite: C. Cannon Contender(s): None Spot Starter(s): W. Tanefeu, C. Horwath B1G Prediction: C. Cannon NCAA Prediction: Mid AA (3-6) Much the same as above, just with Cannon and the 'larger' Tanefeu. Horwarth and possibly Lemley to get spot starts, although I expect Lemley to be 141/149 on his spot starts. 141 Early Favorite: D. Ragusin Contender(s): N. Jerore Spot Starter(s): S. Lemley B1G Prediction: D. Ragusin NCAA Prediction: Mid AA (3-6) Ragusin likely gets the nod here unless he redshirts (which he has the option to). Perhaps they play around with Lemley as an option here until it is decided on Ragusin (rumor is it is not yet). With 149 being the 'up-in-the-air' weight, I expect Lemley at 141 for the sake of bumping for at least some of his five (like Rogers). I also don't think Ragusin redshirts unless Lemley comes in and blows some shit up. To be clear, I only believe Jerore is a contender because Ragusin might still use a redshirt. 149 Early Favorite: F. Mayora Contender(s): D. Gilcher Spot Starter(s): S. Lemley B1G Prediction: D. Gilcher NCAA Prediction: R12/R16 I fully expect Mayora to get the nod to start the season. I don't know that he will at the end of the season. Gilcher is ready to go straight out of the gate and while Lemley may be undersized... he might be as well. If either Gilcher or Lemley show signs of awesomeness and can limit injury or Frosh burnout... I do expect one to get the nod at B1Gs. Hopefully that decision can be made a good while prior to B1Gs for qualification/seeding purposes. I think NCAAs as a true frosh at 149 is going to be a helluva grind and will wear on Gilcher when the time comes. 157 Early Favorite: W. Lewan Contender(s): None Spot Starter(s): B. Mantanona B1G Prediction: W. Lewan NCAA Prediction: Mid AA (3-6) Like other weights, the obvious favorite is already written in stone. I expect Mantanona to get spot starts at both 157 and 165 to get to his five weigh-ins. I don't care what you say, Lewan can win this weight. He has that potential. Will he? No. 165 Early Favorite: C. Amine Contender(s): None Spot Starter(s): B. Mantanona, Z. Mattin, J. Consuelos B1G Prediction: C. Amine NCAA Prediction: Contender/Mid AA (1-6 range) Calling my shot here. Having Griffith in the room will help him take that next step. I expect a spot start or two from Mattin and the obvious 'donor' spot start or three for Consuelos if not at this weight then 157 or 174... whichever route he goes. Mantanona should get a look or two in at 165 as well. 174 Early Favorite: S. Griffith Contender(s): None Spot Starter(s): Z. Mattin, J Consuelos, J. Knudten B1G Prediction: S. Griffith NCAA Prediction: Contender/Mid AA (1-6 range) Yeah... I think Griffith could win it all at 174... with or without Stalrocci there. We could see some amalgamation of spot starters... depending on Griffith's load. 184 Early Favorite: R. Rogers Contender(s): J. Walker Spot Starter(s): C. Khawaja B1G Prediction: R. Rogers NCAA Prediction: Low AA/R12 (6-R12 range) I think Rogers will take some lumps... but health permitting could contend for a high AA spot. I think R12/Low AA is more realistic at this point and that is what we will see. Walker settling in and getting some starts to alleviate load will help down the line... but might hurt seeding and AQ chances... so placing at B1Gs might be of a high priority. 197 Early Favorite: None Contender(s): B. Yatooma, B. Striggow, J. Bullock, J Cummings, H. Walters Spot Starter(s): See Above B1G Prediction: J. Bullock NCAA Prediction: R12/R16 There is no favorite so there is no spot starters. If Walters cements himself as a clear favorite... expect him to get the nod. I still believe in Bullock and without weight management should be able to focus on wrestling and cement himself as a clear starter - thus allowing Walters to complete a redshirt. I had put Trost as 197, however the UofM roster page has him at HWT at this point. 285 Early Favorite: L. Davison Contender(s): None Spot Starter(s): I. Jenkings, L. Trost B1G Prediction: L. Davison NCAA Prediction: Contender (1-4 range) I think Davison does it. Beats Kerk when it matters as well as Hendrickson to win a NC. So for those chasing the rabbit... 125 - 5th, 10 + 1 = 11 points 133 - 4th, 12.5 + 1 = 13.5 points 141 - 3rd, 13.5 + 0 = 13.5 points 149 - R16, 0.5 + 0 = 0.5 points 157 - 5th, 10 + 0 = 10 points 165 - 3rd, 13.5 + 1 = 14.5 points 174 - 3rd, 13.5 + 1 = 13.5 points 184 - 7th, 6.5 + 0 = 6.5 points 197 - R12, 2 + 0 = 2 points 285 - 1st, 20 + 1 = 21 points Total - 106 points I did use wrestlestat to 'project' the bonus point totals, so there you have that. This is optimistic, I think. Very small chance to improve, but I think we could expect an average of 2-3 positions lower per wrestler. Right now the average is 10.1 points per wrestler (sans bonus), which is somewhere just above 5th per wrestler. If you drop 2-3 you could get 7th-8th points per average on wrestlers... which would be as high as 65 but as low as 55... sans bonus, obviously - from an unbiased perspective. Biased perspective? They're taking home a trophy and breaking that century mark with a PSU team taking home 1st while coming pretty damn close to breaking the all-time scoring record.
  18. So currently three of the four twins are wrestling at the Olympic weights for Israel at 65 KG, 74 KG, and 86 KG respectively. Any chance Zach (Mitch's) twin comes back? He was always bigger than Mitch, but Matt is obviously larger. Curious what he is up to while the other three chance dreams.
  19. So here is what the 'roster' breakdown currently is, per Wrestlestat 125 #7 - DeAugustino , M. - SR #91 - Tanefeu , C. - SO #114 - Wertanen , N. - RSFR #133 - Horwath , C. - FR 133 #9 - Cannon , C. - JR #136 - Tanefeu , W. - SO 141 #9 - Ragusin , D. - JR #47 - Jerore , N. - RSFR #186 - Lemley , S. - FR 149 #75 - Mayora , F. - JR #186 - Gilcher , D. - FR 157 #9 - Lewan , W. - SR #201 - Mantanona , B. - FR #201 - Gulacha , A. - FR #201 - Ramsey , Z. - FR #326 - Wesselman , A. - SO 165 #3 - Amine , C. - JR #118 - Mattin , Z. - SO #247 - Consuelos , J. - SO 174 #3 - Griffith , S. - SR #91 - Khawaja , C. - RSFR #92 - Knudten , J. - RSFR #154 - Owens , C. - FR 184 #27 - Rogers , R. - RSFR #37 - Walker , J. - JR #119 - McKenna , M. - JR 197 #89 - Yatooma , B. - JR #52 - Bullock , J. - JR #70 - Striggow , B. - SR #101 - Cummings , J. - RSFR #128 - Trost , L. - RSFR #130 - Walters , H. - FR 285 #5 - Davison , L. - SR #69 - Jenkins , I. - RSFR #118 - Nugent , K. - SO #125 - Khurshidov , D. - SO #225 - Jordan , A. - SO
  20. Both mixed in with Iowa was in it's prime 'Iowa-style' days and the desitination spot for all that wanted to succeed at the highest of levels. In short, they didn't need to recruit as heavily due to Gable being there.
  21. I imagine it is hard to determine that criteria. There weren't near as many recruiting 'ranking' services nor was wrestling as widespread. The only way to rank them would be on collegiate performance in many cases. In some you could say they were developed because they weren't that good in HS... meaning not many titles or medals, but not as many as you might think?
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