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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Yes you did start the rumor based off your suspicions. That is as straight as you can get with it.
  2. I mightn't trust beads from some of us deplorable turdbiscuits.
  3. Some tinfoil hat wearing turdbiscuit (not me) on here started a rumor of it. That is the most I have seen of it, including various forums, twitters, etc. This is the second person bringing it up that I have seen and I assume it is due to them just getting caught up on some of the threads we had going here.
  4. They're all in the same room together and you bet your ass not one if them is letting another weigh a gram over 57 KG. Same can be said for each weight class.
  5. Kyle Snyder's Frosh season? Did he have to go through it too prior to his Worlds title?
  6. If anyone follows HWC and any of their social medias... he has been training with them.
  7. I am curious if Spencer somehow represents France. J/s.
  8. Did you vote? The good team needs 18 more votes.
  9. It'd be a shootout between you and Jacques I am old, man. Old and would be up three Freestyle or four Folkstyle weights from my competitive days.
  10. 32 is still more than the other number. Last word.
  11. That would be awesome, although I doubt that Bono would let him go. He has the say-all, end-all authority.
  12. nhs67


    I just want to compare yard sticks. Most folks here know who I am. It isn't hard to figure out if you try.
  13. I meant at HWT... he just won't aee the lineup as a frosh with Davison there.
  14. nhs67


    When is 'your day' my man?
  15. I have high hopes for a Frosh currently on their roster.
  16. Was hurt. Don't count. Just like Taylor's win over Yazdani don't count because he had a bunch of tape all over his body - indicating he was hurt.
  17. I don't believe you can enter Senior Nationals if you have already won a spot, correct?
  18. I believe if we see Zillmer head back to 97 KG it is a telling sign of Steveson coming back for OTT.
  19. Per this... https://www.themat.com/news/2023/september/15/2024-u-s-olympic-team-trials-qualifiers-as-of-september-15 Almost every weight could be boxed out if all parties show up. This doesn't include international gents showing up.
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