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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. You may be interested in knowing that apparently Kerkvliet is heading down to 97 KG? Source: Some deplorable on these forums said so.
  2. Found it... Was 10-8 but garbage points for Nickal at the end there.
  3. Didn't Heflin beat Nickal down pretty recent to that? Something to the tune of 10-5 or something?
  4. I hope we see Trumble - Hidlay. Trumble - Trephan would also be acceptable. Hell, a Trumble-Trephan, Hidlay-Horne mini-tournament (WvW, LvL) would be badass.
  5. 149 - Swiderski VS Echemendia 141 - Frost - Frost - Redding
  6. Oh shit... he also lost to the Cubano earlier that year, too... Interesting...
  7. Is that the same German who lost to Amine the very next round? Meaning Amine eliminated him from being able to Medal?
  8. I feel like that article might be the same copy/paste article we have seen every single year about a month after Worlds/Olympics with the date changed to whatever the following year is and the title changed to either Worlds or Olympics - whichever is 'accurate' for the following year.
  9. I never did get that call. I sent my number and everything on the old bbs.
  10. This doesn't mean anything... but this is their official account, so...
  11. I also could be less aggressive. For my part in the bitterness there, I am sorry. We are all fans.
  12. Now with the gambling thing looking like it's about to... 'go away' and Michigan getting Gomez... what are we thinking this comes to in a dual? With the Transfer U 'BELT' on the line... 125 - Ayala VS DeAugustino* 133 - Teske* VS Cannon* 141 - Woods* VS Ragusin 149 - Voinovich* VS Gomez* 157 - Franek* VS Lewan 165 - Caliendo* VS Amine 174 - Kennedy VS Griffith* 184 - Brands VS Rogers 197 - Assad VS Bullock 285 - Cassioppi VS Davison* I am on the horn calling this one for you gents... 125 DeAugustino and Ayala both look healthy and fresh... two things we have seen from neither in a few years. Ayala, I think, has more upside and shows some of his potential here in this gritty affair via a comfortable... but hard-fought 7-5 Decision. The mouths start running already as DeAugustino is saying something to him and pointing to the center of the mat as they shake hands. Iowa 3-0 133 Cannon comes out and shows that the change of scenery was a great thing for him and dismantles the much smaller Teske to the tune of a 12-2 Major. Teske just doesn't look like he wants to be out there most of the match and Cannon looks as good as he ever has. Michigan 4-3 141 Woods comes out and wins a rather comfortable 7-4 Decision in which Ragusin got the first Takedown and then didn't really have much for Woods after that. Woods was just too solid of a 141lber and Ragusin knew it. He just wasn't willing to let it fly. Iowa 6-4 149 Gomez comes out and tosses Voinovich to his back not once, not tice, but thrice! He ends up holding him there twice and 'only' gets a takedown the third time for the 18-2 Tech about 35 second in to the second period. Michigan 9-6 157 Lewan and Franek slug this out. Franek with the only takedown of the match takes it though, 4-2 in a typical Lewan-style match. Tied 9-9 IN TER MISSION 165 Amine wins this one after being up 4-1 after the 2nd Caliendo chooses down... tries something gutsy after letting riding time break past the 1:00 mark... being down 5-2 going for that last takedown and Amine is able to go behind for the 8-2 Decision in what is probably going to be the closest 8-2 Decision in the history of mankind. Michigan 12-9 174 Griffith shows he can handle 174 against a PK that might not be able to... ends up winning a comfortable 2-0 Takedown battle in a 7-3 victory. PK was able to slow him down early with his hand fighting, but that was about it. Griffith looks good. Michigan 15-9 184 Brands at 184... blegh... the good news is he has Rogers... who is a frosh... a tough frosh but not Wolverine tough. Brands toughs one out and does it in a respectable enough manner that blood is not shed this night. Still a 5-3 Decision based on one Takedown for Brands and a reversal for Rogers. Rogers walks off the mat feeling battered. This will be good for him. Michigan 15-12 197 Assad and Bullock here... Bullock has filled out to 197 and Assad still looks an average 184lber. It ends up being the difference maker as he pulls out a victory via 8-6 Decision where he just wore on Assad at the end there. You would think Assad might be tougher with who his primary training partner is (Brands)... turns out he is as soft as grape jelly... this might cost them. Michigan 18-12. Cassioppi takes the mat against Davison in a match that has gotten closer and closer every time they have wrestled and Cassioppi needs the pin. The biggest difference here is that this is the first match in which Davison is actually the heavier man, as he weighs in at 254lbs to Cassioppi's 244lbs. Davison gets a takedown right out the gate and cruises to a 3-1 first period lead and 42 seconds of riding time. He gets a quick escape in the 2nd to make it 4-1. Cassioppi isn't able to get out until after RT gets over 1:10 and he is down 5-2. He needs a takedown. Not only does he get it, but he gets it with 0:18 seconds left AND RIDES HIM OUT! It is in OT! Cassioppi comes in looking for underhooks... he is going for it guys... he gets in tight... pulls him in and BOOM! ! ! ! Straight to Davison's back and he rolls through! Cassioppi just lays there... seemingly gives up. Doesn't really matter if he rolls away or not and he knows it... the match and the dual are lost... and the fall is called. Michigan 24-12.
  13. He didn't appear to be banged up at Worlds. Nick Lee is just a different tier of animal right now.
  14. Do we think he shows up to OTT? Also, does he go with a beer belly at 97 KG or does he up in intake of the Colombian White Guava dehydrated nectar to get down to 74 KG? We know he doesn't have the testicular fortitude to show up and compete against the current 86 KG crew, let alone make it to DT to face him. I did ask him directly earlier, btw.
  15. A date hasn't been set for the 'challenge' matches to happen, however the criteria in which they can challenge has been laid out. The last chance are after OTT. This is the only chance someone can have to challenge for the right to go to Pan Ams. Now if they qualify the weight at Pan Ams (Top 2), then they automatically get the 1 seed at OTT (Zain and Arujau already have the #2 seeds and a bye to the semi-finals, so this would apply to Johnny D or Lee at 65 KG and Richards, Gilman, or Fix at 57 KG).
  16. They hypothetical one is only using 184lb versions of them. Meaning not Senior versions of Nickal or Brooks (even though his 'technical' senior season was last season).
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