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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Also, Shumate should be held with pretty decent expectations. He beat Rutger's Poznanski (former 4th place AA) via a 7-6 Decision at the same tournament that Poznanski beat Michigan's Rogers via a 5-2 Decision. Unless he struggles tremendously or Hoffman soundly beats Geog and stays healthy and forces Geog down, I don't see anyone else starting for them at 184lbs this season. Sans injuries, mind you. Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see Welsh get some spot starts in duals, if Shumate needs a break.
  2. Per that Wilcox (165.1-174.0) weighed less than Hepner(174.1-184.0) at Certifications. That might mean nothing.
  3. I don't think he is huge at the weight. He just has a big dome... like a Marky Mark-lite. I want him at 165, though. I think he has some serious freestyle potential and the sooner he is allowed to grow in to 74 KG the better.
  4. You're completely dismissing the more important things that high school athletic commissions look at, such as fairnness and lack of complications. As I said, I have seen it for one-off duals and have seen it work. For individual tournaments where one kid might weigh in twice and another kid might weigh in five times isn't going to fly for them.
  5. Someone is going to bring up OSU soon to attempt to counter this, then include their certification 'weights' as a basis of this - despite the date(s) not being listed for certification(s). Mark my words...
  6. Having kids weigh in a different amount of times throughout the day(s) as well as with varying times between weigh-ins will never gain traction - nor should it. It isn't fair to ask a kid to potentially weigh in three times within a 65 minute span, where one might be weighing in once in that space... and it is asking too much of these kids in tournaments where they are already beating themselves raw physically. You think defaulting out and pitch counting is a problem now? It will be a much larger problem then.
  7. When NCAA went up seven pounds each weight class, Michigan went and there were a lot of mat-side weigh-ins for many duals. Never Individual, though. I think asking them to potentially make weight five times (high school limit) and as many as six or eight times (in college) at an Individual tournament where their opponent might only be weighing in three or four times - depending on how they advanced in the tournament - is quite unfair. Not for it.
  8. Hey man... I conceded the argument. That said... they legitimately just added a bunch of stupid-ass sports simply because they will get US viewership. If the USOC pushes it, it might get life. I don't think they will, though. Unless they want to compete better in the Winter Olympics as far as Golds and total medals. We haven't finished Top three since 2010 and that was a 3rd place finish as a nation. 2006 we were 2nd and 2002 we were 3rd as well. Since then we haven't finished Top 3.
  9. Someone is eating the proverbial berries, gents!
  10. Has me wondering if this will be the line-up in the middle... 141 - Williams (Hughes?) 149 - Alvarez/Jamison Winner 157 - Alvarez/Jamison Loser VS Manibog/Harper Winner
  11. Now they might have certified a month ago. Nothing set in stone on when they certified. I think the earliest they are allowed to is first week on campus? Someone less ignorant to the actual proceedings might be a better source, though. We talk about it every year, but it's been a year so I very well might be wrong (big might).
  12. A few of these gents look thicc. - 125 - Troy Spratley - 133.1-141.0 Reece Wittcraft - 141.1-149.0 - 133 - Daton Fix - 133.1-141.0 Cael Hughes - 141.1-149.0 - 141 - Tagen Jamison - 157.1-165.0 Sammy Alvarez - 157.1-165.0 Carter Young - 149.1-157.0 - 149 - Jordan Williams - 149.1-157.0 Cutter Sheets - 157.1-165.0 - 157 - Daniel Manibog - 174.1-184.0 Jalen Harper - 174.1-184.0 - 165 - Izzak Olejnik - 184.1-197.0 Mirzo Khayitov - N/A? - 174 - Brayden Thompson - 184.1-197.0 Benjamin Mower - 184.1-197.0 - 184 - Dustin Plott - 184.1-197. Kyle Haas - 197.1+ - 197 - Luke Surber - 197.1+ Jersey Robb - 197.1+ - 285 - Connor Doucet - 197.1+ Christian Carroll - 197.1+
  13. Also of note for Michigan: Ragusin weighed between 133.1-141.0 while Cannon was 141.1-149.0. Not sure who goes where for them at this point. Also, also of note: Lemley, Gilcher, and Mayora all were 149.1-157.0. Unless Gomez does show up I expect whoever is better to get the nod. Homerisms say Gilcher, however I would not be suroprised if it were Lemley.
  14. Listing at 165 means he weighed between 157.1 and 165.0. This may have been weeks ago. He has been 65 KG for a bit now, so I don't think it's too bad.
  15. Also Ohio State has a slew of fatties as well.
  16. Last season's 125lber is 141.1+ Bunch of fatties.
  17. Shouldn't Veteran Affairs also be considered part of the defense budget? That puts it up to #1.
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