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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. I know this is at least part sarcasm but I believe Ayres posted a video a few days after accepting the job from his new house (presumably a rental) basically saying how cool CA was.
  2. I think it will just turn into a competition (and as a result, potential safety issue) for which company can make the lightest shoes, headgear, etc. Not to mention the safety issue of potentially wrestling dehydrated or hungry. Yeah, I know the response will be “then don’t do it,” but you know guys will. Agree with @JVStateChamp, particularly in NCAA D1, extreme weight cutting doesn’t seem to be a huge issue right now as a whole.
  3. I wonder if there has been a decrease in donations to schools that are now going to "collectives" instead?
  4. Odd, you remembered the accuser's high school nickname, but not the defendant's defense. Here you go: At the bench trial, Holm testified in his defense. He claimed that after he entered the room and attempted to go to sleep, he heard moaning and groaning from the bed. Holm stated he sat up and saw a naked woman who appeared to be masturbating on the bed. Holm decided to leave to avoid embarrassment. When he started to stand up, Holm testified the woman looked at him and reached up for him, grabbing his head with her hands in an attempt to pull him on to the bed. Holm resisted and stood up, asking the woman what she was doing. At that point, Holm claims she began screaming and kicking him, and he fled the room.
  5. I can't seem to find much on Francois. Saw some rando on twitter saying that he's out at Stanford but no clue if there's any truth to that. I thought the rumor was that Deakin was likely joining Koll at UNC, and I believe Koll himself mentioned trying to bring an assistant or 2 from Stanford to UNC (UNC's coach list currently only has Koll & Ramos).
  6. Yup, facing decades in prison and he wanted to sound “cool” by saying that his drinking was out of control. That’s like you believing Jordan Holm’s story of the girl screaming because he denied her sexual advances.
  7. The hotel industry is huge, and has differences to many other industries, so again I think a specific major (but not necessarily an entire "school") makes sense and could provide some value over a general business major. But even if someone majoring in it doesn't work in hotels, maybe to your point what they learn is likely not THAT much different than general business majors, so they could still get a job in a different field despite majoring in Hotel Administration.
  8. Hey now, Huguely isn't a sex offender (that I'm aware of), just a murderer
  9. Maybe you should have also “met with him” the majority of other days he was in college where he has admitted to “out of control” “drinking all the time.” I also didn’t see much intellect coming through in the video of his admission. I don’t think society will really miss him.
  10. I had never heard of Jordan Holm until this thread. I’ll admit 6 years in jail may have been an excessive punishment, and while IANAL he may have had a better shot at getting off with a jury, but reading that link it seems like a pretty strong case that he did it, so it’s surprising you’re starting out with the “if he’s innocent” line. Between his changing and improbable stories, the availability of witnesses in addition to the victim, DNA evidence, etc, there isn’t much chance that he was innocent. @TitleIX is ripe for reform, what’s your opinion of Dayton Racer?
  11. Yes, I know that. My wife worked in the hotel industry for awhile including at a top-rated hotel in a mid-sized city. The General Manager of the place barely made over $100k.
  12. Hotel Administration as a major isn’t weird IMO, but as an entire “school” kinda is. It is a bit interesting for an Ivy to have it though, as pay in the hotel industry is notoriously crappy.
  13. I just noticed every single Freshman and Sophomore on Stanford’s roster is listed as undeclared. Is that normal there?
  14. Maybe Aaron Brooks can create a country where only Jesus is allowed to be the savior.
  15. Campbell has 9.9 right? I noticed they have a pretty experienced team. Molton - 5th year Zaccone - 5th year Hanna - 5th year Justin Rivera - 4th year Nation - 6th year Murphy - 6th year Caleb Hopkins - 6th year Levi Hopkins - 5th year Ghadiali - 5th year
  16. Lol I like your analysis, just trying to create some discussion!
  17. Yes he is https://gocamels.com/sports/wrestling/roster
  18. I don’t know much about Chris Rivera, but what makes you think he even starts over Hanna? Hanna was a NQ last year and had a few pretty decent wins, the best probably being over Kal Miller of Maryland who went 2-2 at NCAA’s. Meanwhile Rivera doesn’t really have any noteworthy wins in 2 full seasons.
  19. I wanna say it might’ve been Fix but honestly can’t remember, I think whoever it was had said it in an interview
  20. That would seem silly considering he’s 0-3 against Cassioppi in folk, so don’t see him beating him let alone Parris, Hendrickson or Kerk.
  21. I dunno I could see him wanting to be able to be on the team with Angelo for longer
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