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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. Flo does not list Uguev at least as entered in the tournament (can’t find 74 at first glance), if their weights are already qualified guessing they weren’t traveling with the team? https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/12399542-what-the-euro-olympic-games-qualifier-means-for-team-usa?utm_medium=socialmedia&utm_source=twitter&utm_term=card.&utm_content=article&utm_campaign=news
  2. What if Flo posted it from their phone?
  3. Yeah I know it’s been stated that AD’s might not really care about wrestling as long as there are no scandals. But if Buffalo cares, Wisconsin probably should.
  4. I enjoyed Shane Sparks interviewing him on his podcast a month or so ago https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/matt-valenti-wrestling-champion-to-athletic-leader-ep-15/id1711209567?i=1000647476206
  5. It’s not that he “needs a 2nd or 4th chance” is it? He just got beat out for the starting spot.
  6. Well let’s see. Their star just transferred out, I believe without even graduating. They scored 24.5 points this year, and by my math only 1.5 of them are returning next year (Zargo). The famous and outspoken coach of the best club in the state has publicly stated he doesn’t like Bono and seems to discourage guys from going there. They’re not in a great spot currently by most objective metrics.
  7. All else equal I would agree, but people don’t seem to be too thrilled with how Wisconsin is doing currently, which is why I would think Reader might be looking for a way out, and obviously this would be a step up in title. Because of Wisconsin’s situation, I’m not sure if I’d say potentially going after an AHC of a mid-tier (at best) B10 team is considered a “champagne taste,” but no I have no idea the salary Reader makes vs what CMU is paying. Honestly I’d think Borrelli probably made a pretty good salary considering how long he was there. It’s certainly not that uncommon for AHC’s from top schools to be named HC’s at smaller ones. Adam Hall being a recent example.
  8. Brad Smith for anyone who doesn’t want to google (edited due to accidentally reading the search result wrong initially)
  9. If Wisconsin cans Bono, would Reader even be next in line? Wouldn’t they want fresh blood? I’m surprised he’s allegedly not interested in the CMU job.
  10. Bekzod and Franklin Gomez had actually lived in the countries they represented, I don’t believe Micic, RBY, Gomez, Rivera, Cruz or Amine (among others) had. I don’t have an issue with guys competing for other countries, but I think we’re at the point where it’s not good for USA wrestling when you’ve got Americans winning world golds for other countries, and not 1, not 2, but 3 Americans already qualified for the Olympics at 57kg (and 2 at 65kg), but no USA wrestlers. I’m no Dagestan expert, but based on those numbers I kinda think we are at that level now.
  11. Ah duh lol. Is there an American wrestling for someone in the Africa qualifier?
  12. Sorry I appreciate you WKN. I just think Kerk should count as a transfer, and I don’t remember who won, transferred then won again except for Suriano.
  13. Kerk is absolutely a transfer. He even went in the portal
  14. Doesn’t note which ones though right?
  15. I can’t see Caliendo making 157, he seemed huge. I know it was stated that Kennedy certified at 157 this season though
  16. For wrestling/athletics, I’d say no, and I assume they are not full time students and thus I don’t believe their eligibility clock starts. I’d say starting the eligibility clock somewhere else should be the requirement for being considered a transfer. But for example someone saying a guy that actually wrestled at a junior college “doesn’t count” is silly.
  17. JB isn’t above criticism. I can’t remember it now but there was a comment that he made maybe like a year or so ago that I thought was worthy of criticism, maybe it’ll come back to me. But his comments on the broadcast are not worthy of criticism. Everyone including Nickal would do the same thing, and of course Cormier was the one that first brought it up. Also odd considering Starocci had already said he would “piss on Welsh’s graveyard” (not that there’s anything wrong with that either but if Nickal was taking issue with comments he should have taken issue with that too). This is the first I’ve ever heard that Burroughs is “disliked by his peers,” unless by “peers” you mean Kyle Dake. Do you have any evidence of this? And as noted JB was a world champ when Starocci was this age…
  18. I have no idea. I guess it’s also possible Kennedy cuts to 157
  19. I believe Foca and Ramirez were unenrolled part of the time
  20. 6 pages and no mention of Iowa? Oh how the mighty have fallen 125 Ayala 133 Schriever 141 can Rathjen or Voinovich make 141? 149 Rathjen or Voinovich 157 Siebrecht 165 Caliendo 174 Arnold 184 Brands 197 Glazier 285 Kueter Kennedy on the bench. I feel like that’s more reason they should have used Arnold at 184 this year, then could have redshirted him next year.
  21. Pyle said on FRL that he heard they did not reach out to Reader and that most likely it will be Bennett
  22. I guess he really only wrestled for 2 years, but I thought Fernandes would pan out better. He had one of (maybe the) the most dominant NJ state title runs ever.
  23. Maybe leaves PSU but do you think he he retires? He’s not even 50 yet right?
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