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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. I say we start adn if he isn't here by his pick we take the highest seeded wrestler on the board for him or he gets dropped.
  2. I'm fine with 1 wildcard.... can excel rescramble the order for the wildcard pick?
  3. Yeah let's do the random draw while we wait.... @VakAttack
  4. 1 minute is good - If I overthink I will end up with Ohio St. guys like last year.
  5. Now that's a narrative you don't hear often... we got screwed by having to wrestle in the best competition in the best conference. But I guess if you lead all conferences in MEDFFT and no-shows maybe it's not the case anymore.
  6. Ducking.... Despicable or Masterful?
  7. Yep.... that top quarter is pretty brutal.
  8. Draft at 9:00 Eastern Time in this thread?
  9. I keep this in my wallet, taped to my mirror and a poster size on the ceiling in my bedroom.
  10. See @Warm Up Champ post... it was posted a few weeks ago that Bakersfield should drop their program...yes tongue in cheek - not my actual take.
  11. Did you expect someone else to do the work for the question you asked son?
  12. Check every #3 seed at every weight in the history of the NCAA tourney then get back to us on the answer.
  13. I have a similar set-up in my basement with enough extra to watch Matlock and Perry Mason. .
  14. The first rule about the list is that there is... no... list.
  15. So should Little Rock drop their program and Bakersfield keep theirs now?
  16. No, because it's not as simple as you think it is. Having reffed, your mind is conditioned to red/green, right/left and connected to the scorers table, the scoreboard, and the ankles of the wrestlers to insure you have the right wrestler scoring. It might seem cool to the fan, but changing out colors every match at a tournament would be an absolute nightmare. People would be yelling all day long that the score was wrong and coaches would need 17 bricks to get things right.
  17. Sounds good to me. Thursday night.
  18. Nailed it. His constant stall calls from the corner is rivaling Iowa. I swear he through like 7 bricks during the Kaylor Courtney match.
  19. I would like to thank the committee for taking my recommendation.
  20. Surprised Montalvo didn't get a bid at 184.... but I won't lose any sleep over it.
  21. He wasn't .... he was 27 when he AA and 28 at the time of the article...if we are getting down to technicalities.
  22. I think he turned 28 around 2 months after the nCAA
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