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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Yeah not upper echelon but Has a couple decent wins over Joles, Traub, etc and some close losses to AA like Schultz. A good pick up for a 1 year gap to a youngster IMO.
  2. Yes I believe so. He introduced Bernie’s dad to wrestling and was his first coach.
  3. Good pick up for a team needing a 1 year guy.
  4. This was discussed a month or so ago here and many people said “just a formality” … it never made sense to me. He’s been in the portal for awhile.
  5. I’m guessing a little dehydrated on day 2. That’s a pretty big swing. Closer to 184 than 197 day 2.
  6. Isn't everyone transferring to ASU this year?
  7. I believe this is correct... a second D1 transfer and you sit a year unless it's a grad transfer. Also I doubt that he was "approached" by PSU...3rd party maybe, but not PSU. PSU actually learned something from Iowa when it comes to recruiting guys not in the portal. Weird.
  8. My counselor warned me that I may have to talk about these stats...
  9. Chad Zaputil needs to do some counseling with Lee.
  10. In a thread a few weeks ago someone mentioned him weighing in several pounds under weight... he is not that big, so I agree - I could see him going 184.
  11. Crazy...this was written 3 days ago on GoPoly: "He has a unique ability to perform at the highest level on the biggest stage," Sioredas added. "His overtime takedown against the returning national champion from Penn State (Max Dean) was a moment we will relish. I cannot wait to get back to work with him to continue to learn and grow." Sioredas must have been surprised by this as well. Cal Poly is a very high level school. Will be interesting to see where he lands. An interesting tidbit is that he was also recruited by Pitt.... home of the 197 champ Nino Bonaccorsi.
  12. I agree - it looks to be for real... he has been in the portal for quite awhile. There was discussion back in Feb about this and people were convinced it was "just in case" ...
  13. Ahhh...ok the video was covering his name at the top - thanks.
  14. I don't see Truax on the list. Perhaps I am blind.
  15. Names being added daily to the portal... not sure what's going on in Buffalo, but 3 guys in the portal for them. Ohio has their first of what could be many.
  16. Nebraska has a bright future.... that lineup looks good next year. Even though they dropped a bit the team is trending up. You care correct on Condomitti -He was the guy and Wilson still ended up at the NCAA tourney. With a transfer or two and Lovett back in the lineup - way to go Idaho - they are going to be formidable.
  17. If they end up at Iowa, the same threads will pop up on here as well... almost like clockwork there will be several posters who will write a 17 page post about how it's possible for Iowa to beat Penn State.... of course everything goes right for Iowa and every thing goes wrong for PSU, but in the end Iowa pulls it out.... Then Penn State beats them by 40.
  18. That is surprising.... with the Spencer Lee storyline, Yianni going for 4 as well, another Carr vs O'Toole matchup, etc. It seems this year had better potential for great ratings than any other year.
  19. Yep - exactly my point on another thread. Similar to Finesilver transferring from Duke to Michigan. It will depend on what he wants out of his last year - if he is serious about winning another NCAA title I see it being where he has guys around his weight that will be great workout partners and good coaching and he does one of those fake programs to focus only on wrestling - which is very different from Stanford. If it's a masters/doctoral program with good wrestling as well, it narrows the choices. A degree from Stanford, his connections and his name will get him a great job, which makes it a difficult decision.
  20. @Tigerfan I found the article somewhere else... I will concede you were partially right. Lots of backward stuff.
  21. Wish I could read it... you trying to sell me a subscription?
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