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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. If Warner finishes lower than 2nd, does this prove that you digress at Iowa from your junior to senior year?
  2. He didn't place the year before because he decided to wrestle right before the Pac-12 tournament out of shape. He only has one guy that placed ahead of him coming into the season - Matthews - He started the season #2 behind him. Winning the title does not prove that Iowa gets a huge feather in cap for developing talent. He would have been expected to be a finalist no matter where he was going to school.
  3. I agree - I thought he was better than 6th.
  4. He finished 6th last year.... the top 4 guys graduated... Logically he would be the 2nd best guy coming back in the weight. If he wins it is that great development or just expectation? He would only be gaining 1 spot from where he was ranked coming in to the season.
  5. So you are saying Stanford should be praised if he wins the NCAA title. I agree with that.
  6. I say we let him choose anyone who is still available.
  7. A ranking series of tournaments would be interesting, but not all guys go to all tournaments, and not all tournaments are the same strength. Not sure how you can "require' all wrestlers to compete in one of three or four ranking tournaments. I like the idea, just not sure how that plays out in reality. I would like to say that it plays itself out as one of the criteria in seeding, but it still wouldn't keep the top guys from not competing. It might be a disservice if a guy like RBY, who said at the beginning he was wrestling a limited schedule, gets the 15th seed based on criteria - so you end up with a #2 seed vs the best guy in the bracket in round 2. One change I would like to see is the MEDFFT. There needs to be some sort of penalty, such as missing the next date on the schedule because you truly are hurt.
  8. I thought you guys had met and that he had crushed you.... bad joke....really bad joke...
  9. Well done sir... Although if a step out rule were to be combined with technology we have today with mat lines and ankle bands.... you may not be far off.
  10. dang.....I didn't want to be the Iowa of NCAA Fantasy.... oh well. Thanks @VakAttack and @lu_alum for all your work on this
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