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Everything posted by Gantry

  1. Yeah I thought Feldman would be higher up there at this point, but maybe that's my own fault. He almost majored that guy from Hoftstra (who was top12ish) at a college open while still in high school, heck after that win he'd probably be ranked two years ago where he is now. Sounds like his redshirt year though was an injury, so maybe that set him back.
  2. I do remember them getting better but we're still at this weird spot where nobody thinks it a good idea the coaches to the rankings that matter. The coaches themselves don't think it's a good idea, I'm almost positive one of the rankings services offered to do it, etc. Why we continue to have it this way is confusing...
  3. I'm almost positive that these are the rankings that determine seeds and qualifiers, I should have just said that instead of making it a question.
  4. This is the new normal - duals don't matter, coaches and wrestlers don't get penalized for missing matches and everyone is hopping on the bandwagon whenever a guy isn't 100%. It's now expected that 1-2 of the top matchups in every dual don't happen. Embrace it!
  5. Aren't these the rankings used to determine seeds and qualifiers?
  6. At first read I was totally in agreement, but thinking about it a little more some of the more exciting parts about duals is when people are going for majors. It adds an element to follow as a fan to a match that otherwise is one sided.
  7. Agree on Haines, he's winning but I was thinking he'd take a step and separate himself rom most of the top10 after what he did last year as a true freshman. Doesn't seem to be the case for whatever reason...
  8. Those guys are pretty funny, even when being loud and outlandish it's often in a playful and self-depricating way.
  9. IIRC they have no scholarships, or if they do it's WAY under the 9.9
  10. I believe Flynn left because of the support and financial situation of the school, so to me that is the main driver. He had opportunities to leave before the WVU job and never took them, but he left shortly after there was a lot of negative smoke about the Edinboro situation as an institution.
  11. Mario Stuart had a couple nice unexpected runs to AA status, once with a losing record IIRC.
  12. Seems like half the time something is on ESPN+ you still can't watch it with your ESPN+ subscription. Gotta have some other random subscription, bah humbug...
  13. Could weight be an issue? Sounds like he got banged up, but that two consecutive weighins is tough for folks cutting a lot.
  14. Wouldn't he be in school by now? Seems like if he is wrestling this year it would be announced at this point...
  15. Really appreciate all the updates
  16. Has a #1 guy ever lost three matches in one day before like Camacho did?
  17. Mirasola hung with Hall for awhile and looked good, in the second Hall started making him pay for bad shots and blew it open. These high schoolers are really impressive
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