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Everything posted by Gantry

  1. He looked a little off to me, seems puffier and his stance was super upright. I'll go full conspiracy theory and say he's nursing an injury and hasn't been training fully.
  2. Think there's only 20 minutes turnaround time, not sure if that's pigtail only.
  3. Gomez went for it like he does, but Nick Lee is the wrong guy to do that against. He's really good in upper body positions...
  4. I did before posting, but tried again and they updated it. Two mats today FYI, weight order is 79, 92, 57, 74
  5. Anyone know the semi final order or have a link to it? The UWW live stream page seems to be showing the mat assignments from early in the day, but maybe I have an outdated link.
  6. Thanks all, looks like I can sleep until 5:45 EST - booyah
  7. Agreed, if anyone knows please share. Having that extra half hour today was a godsend, hoping no American before match 5 again.
  8. My buddy there in Serbia is saying semis start in 75 minutes
  9. ISU board talking more like Ech competing for the 141 job and Swiderski starting this year at 149.
  10. Antonio Garay Lorenzo Neal Curly Culp (national champ in wrestling, HOF in NFL) I'm sure there are more...
  11. I'm also skeptical that John would simply promise the job to Scott over his nephew who has been there (and rumored to be the heir apparent) for like a decade now. Then again does Scott take the downgrade in position if he's not given some assurance of being the next man up for the coaching gig?
  12. Gantry


    Koll went to UNC and won an NCAA title there, that would be the wild card.
  13. Mark Perry was maybe co-head coach at Cal Poly when he left to be an assistant at Illinois? Forgetting the details now, but it was an odd situation...
  14. I'm guessing the Spratley transfer was the reason, they unexpectedly got what is likely a stud 4 year starter at 125. Jordan becomes more of a luxury after that...
  15. Are you saying NIU doesn't have a full 9.9 scholarships? I thought that they did, but admittedly have no idea why I think that.
  16. Given the high number, maybe he was placing bets for other people not of age.
  17. I wonder if that's true about Ruth that Imar gets promoted and AOC replaced him as volunteer assistant
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