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Everything posted by Gantry

  1. It's hard to unsee Brooks being taken down twice by a high schooler. Ringer also threw him for 4, in fact wasn't DT the only person not to take him down? Obviously still great, but gold medal favorite is a little much at this point.
  2. Thanks for sharing the article on Clarke, an impressive person indeed.
  3. I agree re: MM although like most fans I love his style. It's funny and cute at first, but he can wrestle the same way without the antics that are disrespectful to his opponents. Given how many people he's competed against have an issue with it he needs to realize as much and cut some of that out. Just because you smile while doing it and don't retaliate when someone gets chippy with you doesn't mean you aren't an instigator. When the whistle blows take your foot off the gas my friend...
  4. I agree that was very nice with the speed an explanations. Lets be honest a lot of us don't know the rules super well in free, so I learned a bit just from the challenge explanations. Plus they showed them on the big screen, all positives which made the whole process less painful and fan-unfriendly.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6iW-8xPw3k
  6. That's a confusing one given that they already have two really good 184s, obviously there are going to be some people changing weights.
  7. Agreed, every year offseason freestyle results gets overhyped and you can't extrapolate them to folk. Let's not forget the hype for Carter Young after he beat Seth Gross in free before wrestling a college match - a couple years later and he likely not even a starter on his team.
  8. Didn't hear anything about West hitting the portal, but Markel Baker wrestled his last tourney this year at 133 so maybe he is moving up.
  9. Best case scenario for the US is seeing a Super Saiyan Spencer Lee winning this without being challenged, so I'm voting and rooting for him now that Vito is out.
  10. Rooting for JB, but another big factor is the weight - Jordan simply isn't a 74kg guy anymore and it's probably the toughest cut for all the elite guys. Heck the cut was starting to get the better of him 3-4 years ago and before he moved up. I can't help but think he won't have the some pop and energy after those weigh-ins. Hope I'm wrong though...
  11. Agree completely, greco skills are best suited for HWT. Let's also not forget that Amos has had recent freestyle success as well, sometimes competing in both free & greco and winning both. I like his prospects better at HWT, even if a bit undersized.
  12. Mocco was a finalist his true freshman year.
  13. Yep, if you didn't wrestle or have a kid who wrestled you have no idea how to actually follow a wrestling match. When my nephews started wrestling I had to explain in real time to my family all the various scoring, penalty points and nuances to them - even after half a dozen duals they couldn't grasp most of it. It also made me realize how arbitrary and difficult this sport is to follow for the "casual fan" - they'd often ask why that is and most times I couldn't answer.
  14. You have to click on the pic to see the whole thing, but Caleb Fish
  15. Anyone know how many scholarships Buffalo has?
  16. It seemed like a slam dunk hire a the time given Stutzman is an alum and was doing great work at Bloomsburg with very limited resources. Not entirely sure why it didn't work out but it was pretty clear the program wasn't breaking through. They'll probably have to invest more into coaching salaries (assuming the 90-95K is true) if they want to get any big name assistants.
  17. As an alum of Northern Illinois, this offends me. We aren't called the Harvard of Dekalb County for nothing!
  18. With him moving up to HWT I think he'll have more success, I mean didn't he wrestle 220 pounds as a freshman in high school? That cut to 197 was brutal for him if I had to guess, his greco background helps more at HWT too. Not a "must get" but a 7-12 ranking range heavyweight is realistic.
  19. Rutgers and Oklahoma State, what's the other school?
  20. Quite frankly a lot of folkstyle wrestlers peak around their redshirt soph year or so, then they are at the same level the rest of their career. Scouting is a huge factor in that, people know your best moves in neutral and from top and avoid those. After that it's better TD defense and ability to ride for those wrestlers, you can list dozen of AAs in a similar boat this year if being honest. Fix isn't alone in that regard, though I'd say he definitely got better on top later on in his career.
  21. There needs to be a penalty for a lost review and ref imposed reviews need to go away since they get goaded into it by prominent coaches. The Ayala "coach review after the ref review" was flat out absurd, what a terrible product for the fans. We need to cut the # of review by 2/3rds with whatever changes necessary. If you can't do that, scrap it altogether.
  22. Get rid of them, they have done more harm than good.
  23. Concur with everyone, so much to do near the arena and it was a fantastic venue. Getting in and out of the venue was easy, as was trying to pee after the session when 293874398789 other people need to do the same. No crazy lines for food or drink, etc etc. Heck, even Ubers after sessions wasn't too bad - we had a BRUTAL wait in the cold in Tulsa that forced me to drive there and deal with parking the rest of the trip.
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