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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Hopefully we can get the dads going at it in the undercard.
  2. BTW: it doesn't seem fair that @PortaJohn and @Husker_Du get their very own new reactions. Our union contract says we should all be treated equal.
  3. Well my 25 min turned into 38 cause Bob is an old slow scoundrel.
  4. I've had it with Bob! I'm going on strike! I refuse to post for the next 25 minutes in protest of edit restriction!
  5. I'd be surprised ... and don't call me shirley.
  6. Is anyone on these here wrestling forums tall enough?
  7. Maybe GWN for enforcer. He currently shows up late every evening and cleans up the mess on the Non Wrestle forum so ...
  8. https://www.wrestlestat.com/d1/event/tournaments
  9. We work hard as posters. Bob & Du are making a lot of ad coin off our backs. Sure Bob gives us some nice stuff but if we unionize we can demand the things we really need and want. First item: 25 minutes to edit posts. C'mon @BobDole or we're gonna strike. Who's with me?!
  10. Might be why we haven't heard from him, attorney client privilege and all.
  11. Good grief, I know it doesn't sell chocolate, it sells the experience you claim athletes provide, at least it used to. But maybe its gotten so busy folks don't go there anymore.
  12. Would think Vak would be all over this.
  13. ok ... I didn't think about it that way ... although I thought that was the job of Harry's Chocolate Shop not the athletes ...
  14. They have at some. IMO tenure makes sense for research faculty, not so much for teaching faculty and I don't see it going away on the research side.
  15. I don't think undergrads should or will ever unionize but grad students have. Faculty generally haven't at the top universities im familiar with but have a many smaller. I see nothing wrong with the Euro approach and club sport. NIL has got this way out of hand and many of us predicted such.
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