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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Are we ok with "spring forward?" What if we go out of bounds, is that considered a push out for scoring purpose?
  2. Maybe @BobDole only gave him 15 minutes to log back in, that scoundrel Bob!
  3. Won his first NC as a Fr coming in with a losing record. Assumed he/you checking to see if any possible competition for his record this year.
  4. One of my first semester grad courses no one scored over 50% on the first exam and I can assure you everyone worked their tails off studying, thats all we did.
  5. Should go down as one of the greatest teams ever, don't you think?
  6. Don't know about that but isn't it true you have more thrones than anyone else on the planet?
  7. I watched all of the Big Finals and saw no one from Michigan, Nebraska or PSU, there were some OSU wrestlers.
  8. I'd give you a thanks but that scoundrel Bob ...
  9. thought it was the double bird but ... https://www.slashgear.com/1522552/what-happened-to-ford-focus/
  10. Maybe Minny can win it again with 10 AA but no champs?
  11. Based on this year info pretty sure it'll be Crookham.
  12. Doubt any with that injury would want to get into a tie up position. Just betting he was doing everything he could to finish out the match and secure team points, no way he was going to wrestle on the back side.
  13. No thanks, I'm not into gotcha titles and making such claims about someone I don't really know. I do disagree with some of his policies but that's another story.
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