You want words. First I gave you a lower case tds cause it looked like TDS by association not the full blown TDS but nonetheless disappointing. Repeating untruths propagated by those with full blown TDS looks like a mild case of tds, if it quacks ... There's no evidence Trump is pulling strings. The house Republicans were never going to bring up a bill with 8.5k daily encounters or 5.0k avg daily for entire week as the trigger point for turn backs. It has nothing to do with Trump. Moreover, the bill doesn't solve the problem, there has to be enforcement. At this point there is no commitment to enforcement save the individual states.
Now regarding Senator Britt, I had plenty of issues with her presentation but did like presenting some facts. To the first, moms up late worrying about all the stuff they have to do the next day AND get dinner on the table. Its not the 60s anymore, we haven't lived in the 60 for like 60 years! But similar with good ole working class Joe and Scanton PA, what year was that who cares?
That said, Britt wasn't talking to old grumpy men, her target was young folk and women. Kind've like same reason Kamala was sitting (and jumping) behind the President.