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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I keep watching expecting it to go down in flames but the more I watch it looks like perhaps all is going to be just fine.
  2. That's definitely a pin or a fall, take your pick, no "pinfall." As said, there's no "danger" as its not a neutral position but NW wrestler was flat as could be, its a pin.
  3. Big difference: you wear guns to a duel not a dual, muscles help in wrestling, if wrestling in boots then toes out not in, as long as you have a thumb then 4 figures is enough. It should be obvious which is better.
  4. I don't care what Wkn and all his data tables say I think Penn St has a chance.
  5. They are waiting to turn it on in the upper weights.
  6. Am assuming those "unqualified" Penn St wrestler won't be wrestling else it just ain't a fair dual.
  7. Its just the warmup to the good stuff later tonight.
  8. For some reason I like the duck at least I think thats a duck, web feet & all.
  9. hey now, I'm putting you on my Mallard list, last hunt next week.
  10. thanks, I do have one more tablet in my old tablet box.
  11. Is Penn still in Covid lockdown? Looks like no one there.
  12. but how many tv, tablets & phone screens can a guy run at one time?
  13. That's what I'm talking about, wouldn't that be a fun tournament. The coaches have spoken, those other guys don't qualify.
  14. Refs. To get the fan # multiply the official ref calls by 5,000 ... er ... maybe 50,000 ... wait a minute ... 14k fans with 15 erroneous stall calls per match ... that's ... oh come on Wkn this is your wheelhouse, you do the math.
  15. O/U on Penn St ankle grabs from the top position?
  16. Whats the O/U stall calls against Nebraska?
  17. So we all know these ranking are flawed but if you only used these data what would the data wizardry show for current team rankings?
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