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Everything posted by ionel

  1. mpsart, doughn't blame the ceyboard, blame boB four knot give'n ewe 16 minuts.
  2. Totally false, I never predict fictitious "pinfalls," there's no such thing, and I certainly did not do so here. See above.
  3. 125 Lee W-pin Steen 6-0 Iowa 133 Teske L-dec B-Young 6-3 Iowa 141 Woods W-dec Bartlett 9-3 Iowa 149 Murin W-dec Van Ness 12-3 Iowa 157 Siebrecht L-dec Haines 12-6 Iowa 165 Kennedy L-dec Facundo 12-9 Iowa 174 Brands L-dec Starocci 12-12 184 Assad L-md Brooks 12-16 PSU 197 Warner L-dec Dean 12-19 PSU 285 Cass W-dec Kerk 15-19 PSU
  4. but home mat advantage in favor of ... ... wait ill check with Jimmy and get back to all on that
  5. Go to center of mat to shake hands, face palm yourself in the forehead for being silly enough to attempt this, go into concussion protocol, do not return regardless of concussion findings.
  6. oiled up. To become "well lubricated" consuming alcoholic beverages. To get boozey. I like to drink a few Miller Lites, get oiled up, and crank up my favorite ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Surprised Bob let you in, he's a stickler for punctuality. How do we know you didn't just escape from the zoo?
  8. Feel like should stop by Merry Ann's after see if the griddle is still hot as they clearly had an impact on all the flip'n and turtle soup served up.
  9. Pendleton would beat him but wouldn't be happy about cutting to 165 to do it.
  10. Surprising they don't let Carr stitch him up.
  11. Them turtles are flip'n.
  12. Carr flipped out for this meet.
  13. I'm now afraid to go watch.
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