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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Thought The Deuce said his goodbyes over an hour ago, what happened? I'm curious.
  2. I question the wisdom of putting @headshuck down there. He'll start smoking butt roast and every Central & South American country will have folks climbing over the new wall to get some.
  3. Well sure. My point isn't that we should spend $100B on the problem but that if a majority of congress critters are supporting spending $100B on Ukraine's border issue then why can't we get a majority of them to support solving our border issue? But we all know its politics, if they keep defining the problem differently then they can use it as a political weapon.
  4. Or you could argues the full $100B, why worry about Ukraine's border if not taking care of ours?
  5. Need to change requirements for NCAA Championship location. #1 criteria should be venue with lot or space next door for smokers.
  6. When I see the O in MP's user image, I think Canada.
  7. Yes they had money before they took him in, didn't need anything from him or take anything, they used their money to help provide for him. Believe the movie and book also made those points.
  8. This is not true in general but it could be true in some areas and certain industry/business. There are certainly areas of the country where there's a huge shortage in labor in general and specific businesses may need very specific skilled labor. Simply raising the rate paid doesn't solve that problem. Moreover, some industry and businesses have had a huge increase in input cost, some have doubled plus due to inflation, fuel cost etc. Sure if you can set your own output price you can raise it with inflation+ and also pay labor more, if you have, little competition. But if your price is established in international markets you can't do that. A business can't continue if not making a profit and variable costs exceeding revenue. There's a point where they just can't pay more. But again sure some businesses may be all digital etc and have no inputs to worry about other than labor, not many though.
  9. I'd say that depends on who is announcing. There are certainly inflation rates that don't include these components and others that do. Economist tend to focus on some key inflation indexes but that doesn't mean those are reported by the media. The media tends to stick to info that fits their narrative.
  10. Also inflation is a big additional tax especially on the lower to middle earners.
  11. We were auto, grandfather was still manual but if electricity went out farmers got together to hand milk. My job was get'n em in from the pasture, never milked and we gave up the dairy when I was in grade school, but we did have fresh whole milk every morning till then.
  12. Most of the reasonable news articles suggesting not a lot of money from the movie but was shared equally. Sounds like couldn't adopt given age and conservatorship prob the legal option in that state. Seems no doubt the family went well beyond what most would do. Sad that it comes to this.
  13. Currently liking: Fullerton Friel Residency
  14. Well they are all knownothings so ...
  15. A good guess but you know he needs glasses looking at data all day. And 2nd to right guy just presents this attitude of: I know this so much better than the rest of you knownothings.
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