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Everything posted by ionel

  1. To be truthful we were just giving you a hard time for giving us a hard time.
  2. As said earlier I could sign in by simply hitting login and signing in with Google acct. Likewise Elon could simply ACH me $1B but he ain't going to and neither am I.
  3. The only thing I would change is if any fan yells out pinfall! they shall be fined $500 and ejected from the arena.
  4. No ... sure I could click to login with my Google acct and then Elon has my email address. Elon doesn't need my email address just like I dont need his X. He just wants to send me ads. It ain't free!
  5. I see you are finally using the image I found ~half dozen years ago but I already miss Under Dog. On above, gave my reason. The issue shouldn't be having a reason not to have something. The issue is I don't have a reason to have it. Kindve like a Bentley, I dont have a reason to drive one, don't need it. Why would I pay for something I don't need?
  6. I dont have X cause dont need X, never had the twit same reason. Can you post now?
  7. And where are they "live?" Don't see them on the web site.
  8. Hey now ... Ima gonna sic @PortaJohn on you.
  9. So can we go ahead and rank him #1 now?
  10. Because its a lousy arena for it, was fun with smaller crowds before out of bounds rule change but not a good fit after.
  11. Wait ... what!!? Is this Wkn's burner account?
  12. Livestock was a big thing they wanted to save see come back during task force hearings but that was one of the big areas lost. Illinois competitive advantage just wasn't in livestock. For those who hate the big "factory" livestock operations ... maybe blame Jimmy? We had more free range before. What came back decades later was huge indoor dairy. Eventually was prob gonna happen.
  13. Illinois, prob wasn't as bad as some other states. Ag obviously eventually rebounded but like elsewhere a good percentages of farmers went bankrupt. However a lot of small towns & businesses there did not recover. Soybeans not good this year, corn and milo ok. Generally go back every years, sometimes both wheat June and beans Oct, planting wheat same time as bean harvest plus cattle so extra help needed then. It brother's op and just 2 hired men.
  14. Bull s$#% its just the small town Kansas City GF.
  15. Farming mid 70s thu 80 then quit to go to grad school, good timing. Was on a state (dif than where farmed & own land) rural task force winter 85 traveling the state with Lt Gov & other panel members hearing testimony on impact of ag crisis on both ag & rural towns. Bought farm land later was back couple months ago for 2+ weeks harvesting corn, soybeans & milo. Plus other stuff between then and now.
  16. And don't forget the Brazil impact. Because JC embargoed grain sales someone has to supply, Brazil increased production, cleared trees for more land , took over a good bit of our export market which we didn't get back thus extending the pain to US farmers. Everything was looking good in the late 70s.
  17. And same as true for CNN, NBC, ABC. I don't think there is any hope of accountability with MSNBC.
  18. When do you consider start of 2nd semester for athlete competition?
  19. There are opinion segments on Fox just like there are on CNN also ABC, NBC etc. can you not tell the difference between those and the scheduled hard news segments usually at 5/6pm? I don't know what you'd call something like MSNBC.
  20. We've been through that at least 3 times, its not the issue.
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