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Everything posted by ionel

  1. How do we know if it was genuine, who made or wrote the apology, expenses who's regret? Did anyone actually see him make an apology?
  2. Birds and splits ... its gonna be a fun year! Will Gibbons complain about his shoe laces when doing the splits?
  3. Didn't A. Burr spank you in the hip, did the internet or any applaud, was it some fun?
  4. but if you are not real then who/what are you ... do you really have thoughts ... are you AI? Please click on all the stop lights and stop signs in the image below before we proceed.
  5. So do we think the phone call has occurred, will Tom make a public statement? Given AJ publically apologized it does seem Tom needs to publically accept or reject and confirm if Iowa is still pursuing the Ferrari. He is also on the HWC board, one would think there could or should be a statement from HWC. btw: I'd really enjoy hearing the AD's opinion on spankings.
  6. But if they are just training freestyle at HWC then why would the 2xF enter the low level folkstyle salute tourney?
  7. Technically sure ... but we all know. Where did these three learn their wrestling and coaching skills. If there's no affiliation then how did the Fs get the connection, why does it appear the RTC is a stepping stone to get on the roster. Or maybe F&F were just there doing freestyle camps and thought it'd be really fun to sign up for this tough folkstyle Iowa intersquad tournament.
  8. If we thought otherwise don't you think we'd be over on the football forum?
  9. Never! Please post a high resolution scanned pdf of said article.
  10. This is true but its also true T&T were recruiting FF&F and the the two Fs and the Gabe were all coached by Iowa coaches. But no they won't get fired yet. Oh and how much NIL $s were spent on the F clan and how many hours of academic resources wasted to get them admitted? But no not fireable offenses but all this was known and T&T went down this path anyway.
  11. In this day and age why should it be considered any different than spanking a woman or slapping someone in the face?
  12. Which is worse: A) single slap in the face, B) multiple slaps on the butt or C) Iowa style?
  13. CoMo? Have you and @MPhillips been riding the same bus?
  14. Every 8 yr old that loses a kids club match is gonna be doing it now.
  15. I'm betting you wrote that intentionally, but yeah ... betting Iowa only program willing to gamble.
  16. McAlester State or Anamosa State
  17. I'm pretty sure they blew up within 5 minutes of the punch & birds. And surely she already had a Ferrari file on her desk.
  18. John cares too much about the sport to chuckle at this. This is an AD level decision but implementation at the head coach level.
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