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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Well ok then ... that makes sense.
  2. Only 5%? Doesn't everybody eat? Maybe its the whole vegan etc thing or America is getting skinny skip'n meals?
  3. Does that mean the athletes are wealthy? Many of these private high schools are recruiting.
  4. But there's folks on these here boards claiming all of agriculture is worked by undocumented minorities.
  5. You are asking me to read his mind to let you know what motivated him? I couldn't do that if I was in the same room with him.
  6. Did I say they were? I just went to an ATM, there were only 4 language options, its my money, why can't I access my money if I can't read one of the 4?
  7. Glad you are confirming I'm not top 5.
  8. I would agree, there will always be reason folks can't vote on election day. But maybe could if national holiday have that single election day vote but absentee ballots prior for certain reason like we used to, instead of just any reason to make it easy. I think maybe the RamW is saying show up and make an effort. He is probably saying the same regarding the single language but is that doable? On the other hand how many languages do we have to print on ballots 15, 20 ... maybe thats his point, make an effort to learn enough to read the ballot?
  9. https://www.wrestlestat.com/d1/event/tournaments
  10. Me thinks MPoke doesn't like to recieve the poke.
  11. If no H2H i propose a virtual deadlift and flex off completion to settle seed positions.
  12. I am aware of no biblical evidence that Jesus ever wrestled. Now could we get back on topic.
  13. And who is actually running things in these cities, districts with such problems. Maybe vote them out? As a famous community organizer may have once said: if you like your voting place you can keep your voting place.
  14. Wouldn't know why not. You should also be able to wrestle for any country to which folks migrated from the non existing country. Also in your specific case any country that still eats potatoes.
  15. I wasn't talking about a good movie for the gf but one fellow posters might enjoy.
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