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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I would not say it is "good" for wrestling image as you have so guess that means it is not good or at best neutral.
  2. I've seen Matt Lackey hit a flying squirrel, never expected it from Luffman. Did the arena foundation crack?
  3. https://iasportsco.smoothcomp.com/en/event/14853/schedule?catid=20335 Select bracket wt then scroll down to find bracket matches.
  4. Maybe @flyingcement will weigh in?
  5. There are no utils in X, fly is on the far left side of the country and ends up with extra time end of each day with nothing to do.
  6. https://iasportsco.smoothcomp.com/en/event/14853/schedule
  7. Just wait till you get 3 of em douche'n up the place.
  8. I'll stick with my numbers but not sure if he will survive till b10s, he's showing palsy both right and left side now.
  9. He's almost ready to wrestle his first match. I might change mind after but I'd go 45% first time but 25% second (Carl has a plan).
  10. The IWB+ stream is running a little slow today, kindve like trying to get X updates from the Fly.
  11. Is he in better shape than Anthony or can he put his opponent away quicker?
  12. Fly channeling his inner wrestle know nothing.
  13. Ok we are talking folkstyle, how many guys have taken him down & how many guys has he failed to take down?
  14. I'm sure fly is twit'n play by play on the X, just sign up.
  15. and don't forget the number of matches ending in pinfall was 0.0000% (carried out to 4 decimal places for the data types) just like last year and everyone knows this.
  16. Look at how AJ won. It was pretty simple - speed and strength. He could always get to guys legs and had the strength to finish. As much as I dont care for him, he's not going to forget the speed and strength game.
  17. Brooks is the same height as RBY, zoom out and you'll see he's standing on a 6" platform, he's short.
  18. Check out the brackets, number wise but depth/quality prob down vs good ole days.
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