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Everything posted by ionel

  1. tear down the new statue? asking for a jimmy
  2. It is a black day in Hawkeye nation, every day is black in Hawkeye nation.
  3. Good grief, how many times do we have to answer this question? And yes they should all stay together, Jimmy can come visit.
  4. This has been going on for years, why feel bad for them, pretty much all 5 the same.
  5. https://www.wrestlestat.com/d1/event/duals
  6. I agree. And why don't the rest of us get a do over Covid year. I'd really like an extra year to redo investment strategy for retirement and ... well ... to just have more money to buy better seats for NCAA KC. Can @Wrestleknownothing please provide a table and pie chart showing why we should all get an extra year?
  7. To go back and answer the OP original question. How is Daton Fix still wrestling in college? He is still wrestling fine just fine!
  8. Depends on what you mean by "a school?" The university may release/dismiss a student for violation of student code of conduct. Cheating on an exam or project assignment, plagiarism are academic examples. Pretty sure Ferrari was dismissed from the university mid/late Spring semester, there was a lot going on. Don't know that a university would get involved in violation of team code of conduct for athletes that would be within the team or a DIA level decision. For dismissal there need to be a clear set of rules and a documented violation, prob can't just kick someone out cause they did something bad.
  9. Hey someone tried to steal my Stevenson bit but yeah ... didn't get away with it, Bob shut it down.
  10. True. Seems like he struggled a bit with Phipps last year 4-1. This year he destroyed him from the beginning. But certainly the Orine major says more.
  11. Why would folks say disgusting things about a disgusting family?
  12. Crazy thing to say about a fellow Penn St fan don't ya think?
  13. Jimmy seems upset about the demise of Penn St's 184lber.
  14. I'm surprise there isn't a NILrs ... you know to spend a year working on your image.
  15. shirley you aren't suggesting folks only come here when they are at work?
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