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Everything posted by lightweight

  1. If I understood that I think we are violently agreeing.
  2. From the Nittany Sports site: https://nittanysportsnow.com/2024/02/penn-state-wrestling-star-carter-starocci-injured/ (with video)
  3. As a former HS ref I am always surprised at how much college refs let the coaches get away with. Smith is a notorious ref-baiter, and it looks like Coleman Scott is going to follow in the footsteps of his Jedi master. How can you let these guys climb up onto the raised platform to go out onto the mat?
  4. Very close. Locked hands call saved the team point.
  5. Just watched the replay. It is his right knee.
  6. 55-0. Third shutout for PSU this season.
  7. Kerk cradles in the first period for the fall.
  8. Yes, no upsets at PSU except now maybe for Starocci's injury.
  9. Brooks gets the TF, blows kisses to the PSU crowd.
  10. Don't remember, have to rewind after the live feed is over. Which knee did he hurt last year?
  11. Brooks now out there now against Jack Kilner
  12. No doubt there will be Monday morning quarterbacks asking why the starters weren't rested for this match, but in this case he essentially did it to himself. Truax up now at 184.
  13. Just tuned in on BTN+. Is no one else watching this? Starocci was rolling up some unranked guy on his way to a tech fall and tweaked his knee and had to be helped off the mat.
  14. Forgot about WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP. As many/most of the people on this board probably know, John Irving wrestled for Pitt back in the day. Some other of his books, THE 158 POUND MARRIAGE and THE IMAGINARY GIRLFRIEND have more wrestling in them, but are less well known.
  15. Agreed, it kept your interest. I also liked the sub-story line of the 'haves and have nots', private Lakewood St. Eds, with multiple teams, a nutritionist, etc., and public Lakewood down the road who has one good kid living in an apartment with his single mother but who has a dream of being a champion. If you haven't seen it I won't spoil it for you, other than to say it is a documentary, and not Hollywood.
  16. Yes, when your change of jobs is covered in FORBES magazine I think you can say that you have, indeed, arrived.
  17. ... but this MSN feed provoked another Ferrari thread: Angelo Ferrari wins another Texas high school state wrestling title (msn.com) It includes a video interview, if you just can't get enough Ferrari in your life.
  18. Listening to all the nostalgia here I think that the walkout music for this thread should be Bruce Springsteen's GLORY DAYS. NB: I'm old enough to have played the just released vinyl version, not of GLORY DAYS, but of BORN TO RUN, out my dorm window.
  19. Very hard to seed teams from different parts of the state who don't wrestle each other and are likely not to even have any common opponents. Council Rock South was apparently over-rated, as they lost their first match in the consolation bracket. Unless you meant Central Mountain, who met BeCa in the semis, not the quarters.
  20. Thanks. That was the only explanation that made sense to me.
  21. OK, I finally watched on tape delay. Some random thoughts: -- hate the black and pink singlets. and the 'blackout' makes it look like nobody is in attendance. I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but the whole 'pink for February', which was novel twenty years ago to 'raise awareness', seems like it is just an excuse now for clothing manufacturers to sell alternative jerseys. -- 125 The crowd chant "Let's Go Braeden" makes me think of NASCAR races, for some reason. Just sayin'. -- 133 Nagao seems to run hot/cold. He definitely can ride with double boots in, but is that going to win close matches against the best guys this year? -- 141 First time I've seen the 5 second head&arm call. Usually it is reserved for hanging on below the waist. That having been said, I liked this ref for all his vocalizations to let the wrestlers know where they stood. But Bartlett disappointed - when you're highly ranked against an unranked guy you should be putting him away quickly, like Haines at 157. --157 See above -- 165 Love the motor on MM. High school coaches should show his matches to their teams to show them how to get after it. -- 174 I get that people are excited about the weight differential, but that long time figure-4 ride could have been stalling on the top. -- 184 Truax vs a freshman. The mismatches are starting to cause me to lose interest here. -- 197 Brooks does what he is supposed to do, just like Haines did. -- Hwt. I still don't understand how guys give up a Harvard degree just to wrestle for Rutgers? Unless he already finished, and is a grad transfer, but the announcers didn't say that. And then he gets beat by the backup. Overall it must have been tough for Rutgers to come into such a big arena as such big underdogs. Must have felt like being a Christian in the Roman Colosseum. --
  22. I missed the trailer but I assume you're talking about THE HOLDOVERS? I disagree -- I thought it was neither uninteresting nor dark. Kept my attention (it is a human drama with lots of talking - you won't find it in the Marvel universe) and, without providing spoilers, I think the conclusion is actually upbeat rather than dark. Although Giamatti is a great actor (e.g., he did this role, and also one of the leads in BILLIONS), my only criticism is that this character is a lot like the one he played in WIN WIN, a movie that has gotten a lot of traction on this board due to its using wrestling as a backdrop. Similar kind of storyline too, with kids as his foils. If you haven't seen THE HOLDOVERS I suggest you see it (it is in streaming now) and form your own conclusion.
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