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Everything posted by lightweight

  1. Funny, but scarily close to the truth this year. Actually, for the sake of this contest, the 125 pound bracket will end up being the deciding "powerball" on everybody's lottery ticket.
  2. The Sports Illustrated version: https://www.si.com/college/pennstate/wrestling/penn-state-wrestling-carter-starocci-injury-healthy-2024-ncaa-wrestling-championships
  3. Maybe with a subscription to the Hair Club for Men, Facial Division.
  4. Subtle, but a good contribution. Mostly I just wish they would give that schtick up.
  5. I just posted this in the main brackets thread but it will probably get lost there: 197 has both Stout brothers in the top half. Both have already lost to Beard (and Luke has Brooks in his second match if he wins), so neither will be in the championship bracket for long, but what has to happen for the two of them to wrestle each other in the consolations? I'm sure some wrestling historian like WKN knows when brothers have wrestled each other at Nationals...
  6. 197 has both Stout brothers in the top half. Both have already lost to Beard (and Luke has Brooks in his second match if he wins), so neither will be in the championship bracket for long, but what has to happen for the two of them to wrestle each other in the consolations? I'm sure some wrestling historian like WKN knows when brothers have wrestled each other at Nationals...
  7. I think you're right that we could see fewer guys taking what amounts to a risk at CKLV.
  8. I think this weight is going to have plenty of 'upsets'.
  9. I feel like Stanich doesn't get as much discussion on this board as guys seeded lower, maybe because it is easier to follow the BIG10 guys on BTN and BTN+.
  10. I feel like Stanich doesn't get as much discussion on this board as guys seeded lower, maybe because it is easier to follow the BIG10 guys on BTN and BTN+.
  11. Started watching the video. -Can Will Haskett say "you can almost feel the excitement" with any less enthusiasm than he did? Geez, is this the best the NCAA can come up with?? -Shane Sparks needs a new hair stylist. I think the theme tonight is going to be that this whole exercise is an afterthought compared to the effort that they put into March Madness.
  12. I followed the tournament online (our local high school had a few boys qualify) and my sense was that they were really highlighting that this was the first year of an 'official PIAA' girls tournament, that these girls would be the first ever girls to be state champions, and the girls got the 'center mat', with the two boys' divisions flanking them, and so forth. Probably not unreasonable given the circumstances, and insulates them from any criticism that the girls were treated as second class citizens. Going forward though, if girls wrestling really does grow, then I suspect that they will have to adopt a different format. Having it all mixed was probably helpful for any coaches who were coaching both, or parents with both a girl and a boy in the tournament, but it did make the whole event take a very long time, and if you were really just interested in 1 of the 3 events you had a long time between sessions. We might look at how other more established sports like swimming or track and field handle this if we want to predict the future. I suspect that they mix boys and girls, but have separate dates for AAA and AA. But I've never attended either of those sports so I'm just guessing.
  13. God scored six team points in that match (after all, it was The Fall).
  14. I only still have cable for the sports coverage. And the PCN pair of announcers for the tournament did a good job. Just saw a repeat of the 2017 state championships (Had the Lee/DeSanto match, plus early looks at wrestlers like Starocci, etc.) and was reminded of what a good job they did.)
  15. Yeah, I caught that too. Is the network standard that a techfall is a type of fall?
  16. First time I've heard him interviewed. Can't say that I thought he sounded particularly bright. But I guess he was smart enough to win.
  17. Sidun wins the championship 6-3, congrats to him. Sloboda finishes sixth, congrats to him also.
  18. Looks like this session is winding down. I need to go and check how our high school is doing at PA state(s) this afternoon. Plus my iPad is just about out of juice.
  19. Freakin' long review on mat 3, Maylor and Griffith
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