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Everything posted by TexRef

  1. @MPhillips I thought it was sacrilegious for an Ohio college to drop wrestling. My buddy's dad wrestled for Toledo, when they still had a program.
  2. Or Bill Cosby wearing a Temple sweater
  3. The "because" is that bringing back wrestling is another opportunity for Oregon State to beat OU and they don't want that! They spent a ton of money to add baseball (right after Oregon State won its 2nd CWS) and that hasn't amounted to much. I can imagine a bunch of people in Eugene saying "If those Aggies can win a CWS title, we can too!"
  4. Not sure if the Utah schools will be required to bring a few bottles of fry sauce to share with the host teams.
  5. We would enjoy his services at the Dallas, Texas castle lol. Then he might be rumored to be the leading HC candidate for the hopefully proposed D1 program in Texas. They haven't raised the money, haven't made an official announcement, but Tony Ramos is currently rumored (by the clowns in Texas that claim to know everything about the wrestling scene) to be the leading candidate for the HC job. Please donate.
  6. I think it would more along the lines of WACKY PAC
  7. There are a lot of small colleges that drank the Kool Aid that Mike Moyer sold them, that if they add a men's and women's wrestling program they will have over 60 new athletes on campus, and most paying full price. The pitch goes on to explain that the institution can hire 1 coach for both programs and only pay them $50K. A legal slot machine! A bad recipe for sure.
  8. TexRef


    Is this Hoosiers? Gene Hackman, is that you?
  9. That wristband on the floor was from my wrestling tournament! He was on a recruiting trip, looking for next gumby type kid with an unorthodox style.
  10. If there was a way to "accessorize" wrestling with more shit Nike could sell, then they would support wrestling more. Let's face it, wristbands, batting gloves, and a sliding glove or whatever they call it, makes more money than a single pair of wrestling shoes.
  11. That is a great line in a great movie.
  12. So Nebraska and Iowa should be high on your list?
  13. Like the Californians lol
  14. I officiated a match at Western Hills about 15 years ago with another blind kid. He was a lighter weight kid and seemed tough. That has turned into a hard scrabble area for sure.
  15. While at the bar I am a doctor, when I am not a pilot. You know, flashing my Ferrari keychain and telling the ladies that I have several leather bound books and how my apartment smells of rich mahogany.
  16. He is willing to provide some unsolicited advice too.
  17. Thanks for asking! I too haven't been able to check this stuff out as much as I would like.
  18. There are new parents to this sport all the time. The parents that have not been exposed to the sport until their 8 yr joins a club. Those parents will keep buying the crazy shit that is being offered. Like the "Head butting headgear" with the hard plastic piece on the forehead.
  19. Is it on Amazon?! I am looking for my Amazon pw! Yes, not being able to find it pisses me off! So does buying shit on Amazon!
  20. I think there is a decent bbq place in Longview. How was the program at LeTorneau?
  21. At this time, there are currently no D1 wrestling programs (for men or women) in Texas. There is only 1 D2 women's program in Texas.
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