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Everything posted by TexRef

  1. This sounds a lot like the campfire talk when Davis "wasn't getting it done" in Madison.
  2. I was asking if they would give him the keys?
  3. Now are people going to start talking about Bono being replaced? If so, by who? I like Reeder, but would Wiscy give the keys to Reeder?
  4. Yes! He will be back for the 2nd semester.
  5. An Eric Juergens Young Guns kid. Another Moline YG kid to look out for is DJ Parker at OU. He will be back for the 2nd semester, he had a knee injury.
  6. We all have quotas to fill....that's why they let me in lol
  7. If you are one of the first 500 in the door you can get a FREE Cowboy Wrestling coffee mug! Guess who is looking for a ticket?!
  8. Was he the starter before this weekend?
  9. Please don't give them any ideas! They will raise our prices to "off set" those additional costs.
  10. I believe your list is correct. Dallas Baptist is D2 and that would a nice addition.
  11. They had a gym on campus for a while, and then they were at Lewisville HS. I didn't know they were at LC. Denton ISD's superintendent has said they will never have wrestling.
  12. Neither of those schools are interested in having a wrestling program. The University of North Texas (UNT) had a club team that was run by Andre Metzger and he finally got tired of hearing them say "No thanks" that he left.
  13. In Texas, the programs are only in the metropolitan areas. Unless there has been a new HS program added, the nearest HS program to Stephenville is over an hour away. The north region of Texas has more wrestling than the central region, so UTSA would a hard sell. UTEP would have a bunch of talent to pick from, but the traveling would be horrible.
  14. Let me guess....you probably have several leather bound books too
  15. Poor choice of words on my part.
  16. When Byrd decided to use his RS, I thought Navy could pull that off.
  17. I know others would consider it an upset, but I think Illinois is and has been overrated for years. I am surprised that we haven't seen the "This is the year of the Illini" posts.
  18. It is closer to home, but dang it don't go to Central State!
  19. On the International page you get pancakes!
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