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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. Rupert Murdoch turned the knife himself. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2023-04-24/tucker-carlson-is-out-at-fox-news
  2. If you have to fly several hours and then drive several hours to get to a wrestling tournament, it's poorly located.
  3. He's hired an aggressive employment law lawyer. He got fired.
  4. I hope she shows.... and gets her poop pushed back in again.
  5. I just looked again and can't find the article anymore. I suspect it was pulled.
  6. And the entry fee. She's scamming for this as well.
  7. 2018 https://themat.tv/all_videos/123272-2018-marine-corps-us-opensenior-womens-freestyle-62-con-8-1-sydney-freund-awc-vs-eve-berri 2019 https://themat.tv/all_videos/52213-62-kg-rnd-of-16-kayla-miracle-sunkist-kids-wrestling-club-vs-eve-berrington-unattached https://themat.tv/all_videos/52202-62-kg-cons-8-2-eve-berrington-unattached-vs-natalia-hinojo-aries-wrestling-club-okrtc Pop all the popcorn.
  8. lololol I didn't see that. A perfect metaphor for the attention to detail we've come to expect from USAW.
  9. I turned it down because they don't have a women's team.
  10. World Team Trials if he doesn't win at the US Open.
  11. 50 - Hildebrandt 53 - Parrish 55 - Winchester 57 - Maroulis 59 - Nelson 62 - Miracle 65 - Velte 68 - Molinari 72 - Elor 76 - Gray
  12. The PIN software must not have a 'schmooze' mode. I sincerely hope she gets Aduago Nwachukwu in the round of 16 or quarters.
  13. Women's seeds are out. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2023/April/24/US-Open-Womens-Freestyle-Seeds
  14. Men's seeds are out. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2023/April/24/Senior-mens-freestyle-seeds-set-for-US-Open
  15. She lies about everything. Literally everything. She has wrestled, as far as I can tell, exactly two live matches in her 'career'. Both were at the US Open where she didn't score a point. Pinned and teched. She's claimed that she's been on two different collegiate teams (Limestone and Simpson) and advertised it heavily on social media, but she's not on roster anywhere, ever. When confronted with this, she blocks you. She went and had a self-congratulatory 'documentary' filmed and propagated the steaming turd all over the landscape. She claims she's coached high school, but her name has never appeared anywhere on any school website.
  16. lolololol The biggest fraud in women's wrestling is going to the Open.
  17. All the non-Olympic weights are going to empty. Elor will likely drop given the overall weakness of 68s. I don't see anybody stopping her from taking the spot. Winchester will likely drop to 53s. Villaescusa as well. Fearnside is a question. Burkert will likely go up to 57s. I see most of the good 59s will go up to 62s since dropping to take on Maroulis seems tough. 65s is unsettled and is hard to predict. Velte, Kilty, Bruntil will all have to look for a home. If Elor and Molinari are up at 68, 62s might look easier.
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