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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. Lol https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/05/business/media/tucker-carlson-tv-fox-news.html
  2. Cucking the boss seems like a great way to get shown the door.
  3. Standard part of non-compete clauses for senior management types. It’s typically paid in a lump sum settlement, but I suspect Fox doesn’t trust Tucker to keep to the terms.
  4. At this point, if you feel yourself getting out into a choke, you’re better off doing something illegal to get out of it rather than letting it continue. Better to take the caution and 1 and keep your brain intact. The center ref for that match let things way too long in multiple positions and should have his credentials pulled.
  5. Adeline Gray would like a word as would Tricia Naughton-Sanders
  6. That wasn’t an actual BP reading. I was trying to convey my distress at the situation. Dom’s better today. UWW needs to fix this. Choking isn’t allowed and there wasn’t even an attention, let alone a caution, for a deliberate choke out.
  7. He was fired. Fox is paying is salary through 2024 so he can’t go anywhere else.
  8. Pyles is the dumbest person in wrestling and assuming anything that he says is wrong will usually result in you being correct.
  9. She was intentionally choked out by Venezuela. UWW needs to fix the rules to prevent this.
  10. Multi day wrestling tournaments are the worst sports offering available.
  11. She could have gone to 76s and cleaned house. I think she was tired
  12. Sam Stewart of Canada is a bracket buster loose in the field.
  13. https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/10936353-team-usas-roster-at-the-2023-pan-am-championships
  14. Looks like the 'Participants' section have been filled out for all weights. The most interesting weight.
  15. What's playing on my TV for the next few months. https://themat.tv/athletes?search_query=katie+gomez
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