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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. So when you called me a ‘willful idiot’ you were elevating the conversation? Your own feelings of inadequacy seem to be driving you to plumb new depths of intellectual dishonesty.
  2. The burden of proof is on the one who makes the assertion. Always. Here’s an article at the appropriate reading level. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(philosophy)
  3. They’re the complimentary aperitif. For someone who freely offers insults amidst his own public display of idiocy, you are remarkably thin skinned about receiving return fire. Delicious.
  4. The line that will define gullibility for the ages If you think a guys with millions of followers would make up easily disproved information
  5. “It’s too much effort for me to read two studies and form my own hypothesis but y’all should totally do an exhaustive search for internet data to try to disprove some weirdo’s clearly made up stats from a YouTube video I like to jerk it to!”
  6. It will come to you as a staggering epiphany when you finally understand that there’s more to forming an informed option than doom scrolling YouTube on the toilet.
  7. As opposed to serially posting YouTube videos from a single channel? You must have been a real joy for your teachers.
  8. Is that your work? it’s fairly comical that you insist that we’re spoonfed when you repeatedly post videos from the same YouTube channel and think, “well, that proves it!”
  9. Is that your work? Posting youtube videos as an argument is the equivalent of an all caps email that’s been forwarded to you by your memaw. From reputable sources, formulate a hypothesis and back it with the data.
  10. Present your arguments. Show your work. Don’t have wave and make stupid claims like, “ it’s been proved over and over.”
  11. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/ data
  12. They’re probably sharing the same Pentium based server in Bratislava.
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