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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. They could do a wrestling version of The Longest Yard
  2. After the current SCOTUS decided that stare decisis is no longer a governing principle in jurisprudence, I think we;ll take our chances. Thanks for your concern.
  3. He didn't prevent any prosecutor from laying charges. He declined to refer the case because, in his judgement, nobody would do anything with it.
  4. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2023/March/28/Makoyed-named-USA-Wrestling-Womens-College-Wrestler-of-Year
  5. All I was commenting on was the credibility of the initial source. Trying to read more into what I wrote is missing the point I was making.
  6. Looks like it's going to be a thin tournament on the women's side.
  7. 'Rando professor says something shitty' is something I am expected to comment on? lol You guys have some ground to cover following up with Trump then.
  8. Well, this ruined my morning. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/03/covid-vaccine-misinformation-social-media-harassment/673537/
  9. Show me where I've posted sources (ALL THE TIME!! ) that have historically bad ratings about telling the truth. Are you saying I'm obligated to post here the way you want me to?
  10. You guys are all worked up because I made a corollary point about sources?
  11. If the posted source lies about what the subject of article said, that's kind of a problem, wouldn't you say? It's hard to critique someone's words when the right wing press is flatly lying about what they said.
  12. For a minute there, I thought you were talking about George Santos.
  13. Well, as it turns out, what the source wrote doesn't match what the person said. Even for someone like you, that should be kind of important...
  14. You continually post stuff from sources that are found to routinely lie. If you have better sources saying the same thing, why you the source with historically poor veracity.
  15. This is why I continually harp on sources.
  16. Pretty sure he got the rotten end of the deal too.
  17. Again, from the document. You're trying to read things into this that aren't supported by the report.
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