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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Yes, this is a deal, except that this is not mainstream i don't think. I used to reload shotgun back in the day. It takes a lot of time and pays off in money if you reload a lot. I don't think it is really that cheap if you count your time. mspart
  2. I disagree with nuance. 1. It is clear that mentally ill people have perpetrated the majority of mass shootings, at least in the last few years. Mental illness does not cause gun violence. But mental illness with gun possession increases the risk of such gun violence. That is incontrovertible. 2. If 15 people in the bowling alley or bar were armed, does anyone think that there would have been fewer firearm related deaths and injuries? I have to believe the shooter would have been challenged and fled or killed and there are fewer firearm related deaths. It won't reduce it to zero due to the element of surprise, but reaction will lesson the death toll. This just seems logical to me. People being armed in their homes only, would not have resulted in fewer deaths in this case in Maine, to the point of the copied quote. mspart
  3. So let me get this straight. If you kill civilians, that is a war crime? Which war has been fought in the last 100 years that has not resulted in civilian deaths? Civilian death and property destruction is the main consequence of modern war. Israel is not targeting civilians. There is no other armed force that I know of that tries to avoid civilian deaths like the IDF. Perhaps US troops do similar. Certainly not Russian troops. So when Israel attacks, they have warned everyone what they are going to do. If civilians are present, they either were prevented from leaving or they are not really civilians. I see this as Israel having done their due diligence to prevent civilian deaths. Please show where Hamas has ever taken this tactic with regard to Israeli civilians. This is just one way to differentiate the tactics used and the intent of the two sides here. In my opinion, Hamas did not go to all out war, they went as far as to initiate an initial skirmish with civilians, not against armed forces. That is a war crime. Mowing down 270 youth at a music/dance get together is a crime, not just a war crime. Burning alive civilians in their houses is a crime, not just a war crime. What did they think would be the response from Israel? Did they think that Israel would roll over? I don't think so. I think they knew the response would be punishing and swift. I think the calculus was that other entities would come to help the fight. Hezbollah is certainly answering that call in a small way. But they were roundly condemned for their brutal and inhuman actions. And now Israel is prepared to take out Hamas as an entity. Is there a reason not to? Hamas' attacks have been constant over the years from Gaza. They had a sort of truce going on and apparently we and Israel relaxed about any violence. Then came 10/7. Israel is understandably incensed and their intent to eliminate Hamas now is also understandable. If Israel wanted to destroy civilians in Gaza, why have they historically provided, food, energy and fuel to Gaza? If Gazans and Hamas disarmed, what would be the result? Peace. If Israel disarmed, what would be the result? Annihilation. This again shows the disparate intent of the two. mspart
  4. Hence Israel has repeatedly told Gazans to get out of the parts of the city that are going to be attacked. If Hamas prevents the movement, which they have done, then who is perpetrating the war crime? mspart
  5. Using human shields is the MO of Hamas, and you say that is a war crime. Then why does a legitimate freedom fighter group like Hamas do this? Because they perpetrate war crimes as was displayed on 10/7. mspart
  6. Just to ask the question - Is there any disagreement with the idea that mentally ill people should not possess firearms? If no disagreement, then that is a way forward that everyone can agree to and we should as a country move in that direction. If there is disagreement... mspart
  7. If I am mistaken it is because most states have laws to this effect. If Maine does not, perhaps it is time to consider making a change and enforcing it. mspart
  8. Not only that, but current electric production will not keep up with the demand of an all EV populace. Not only that, but an EV can't go as far as a gas car, takes considerably longer to recharge as opposed to gas up. Not only that, but EVs can't pull a trailer very far which is not manageable for businesses and truckers. Other than these little issues, they are great. My personal opinion is that hybrid vehicles are a better way to go at this time. At 50+ mpg, that is a good step forward while the other EV technology matures. My Passat TDI gets 40 mpg and I can get that to 44 mpg if I am careful with the throttle. This is on back country roads, not freeway driving. Mileage would probably be better on freeway. I use freeway infrequently. mspart
  9. He was involuntarily committed for mental health issues. At that time, the judge could have taken away his firearms and be well within the confines of established law. Did the judge do that? He was a known firearms instructor, army reservist, etc. It seems that there are laws on the books not being enforced in the first place. So what is the answer to this? mspart
  10. Yes, make sure they are only sanctioned BB games. Better yet, just don't play BB. Silly game that. mspart
  11. When you say it might have been a failed rocket one time, and that evidence shows it was an Israeli rocket 100 times (I may be exaggerating), it seems a bit disingenuous to say I am projecting. mspart
  12. And hence your position is that Israel did it. So your position is a lie. You have already determined Israel did it. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/22/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-hospital-evidence.html https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/18/politics/us-intel-gaza-hospital-blast/index.html https://nypost.com/2023/10/18/all-of-the-evidence-that-shows-hamas-was-responsible-for-hospital-explosion/ https://www.businessinsider.com/gaza-hamas-israel-lessons-learned-hospital-bombing-media-propaganda-2023-10?op=1 Read these, you might learn something. mspart
  13. You can say this if it makes you feel better. But you are not providing the different explanations, but one explanation. And presenting that as truth. Your position is it was Israel that did it, no matter the evidence that shows it wasn't. mspart
  14. Why did this guy have access to guns with his background? In most places, it would be illegal for him to have guns with the mental issues he's had. I believe we have laws on the books to prevent this. Why are they not being enforced? mspart
  15. It is true that whatever one wants to believe is what one will believe and one will find sources that promulgate that belief. All evidence to the contrary. mspart
  16. But are they correct? They can say what they want, but are they correct? Even Hamas folks said it was theirs. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-releases-intercepted-hamas-call-on-hospital-explosion/
  17. What do y'all think? We finally have one. Is he better than nothing? mspart
  18. Ha ha!! I'm too short to post questions on here. We have both a head and assistant coach at ASU that are height challenged. They seem to be doing fine. mspart
  19. Johnson is the new speaker, 220-209. First vote. This guy knows how to get things done. Or even the Rs were tired of being viewed as complete jerks. mspart
  20. True. He's being charged for being Trump while Candidate. That's my $0.02. mspart
  21. I never thunk I'd see it done. Wow is right! mspart
  22. Ultimately, this is correct. Any marriage conducted by a religious person (pastor, bishop, etc) has to have sanction from the state to do so. And all such must be submitted to the state for recognition. No different that a Justice o peace. But on the other hand, many religious and religions feel that marriage is sacred in a religious sense. You could include Christian, Jewish, and Muslim in those categories. Marriage is bigger than just a government construct. mspart
  23. And it took a guy from Ohio to tell us this. If he can figure it out, it seems reasonable to suggest that anyone can figure it out!!! mspart (PS - Just having fun with you OE. I really liked the post. Very clear and concise and right on.)
  24. My take is perhaps some want her arrested. A good deal more feel like Bigbrog and just want her out of Congress. I think that would be sufficient. Does this raise equity questions? No. Lots of Ds want certain R's out of Congress and lots of Rs want certain Ds out of Congress. That is equity. mspart
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