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Everything posted by mspart

  1. OK, I get that. How did he convince so many of the righteousness of his cause when any outsider could look inside and know immediately something was seriously wrong? How did he find equally evil men like Himmler and Goebbels etc to do this evil work? My wife read a book on this and many of the German people were like he's a kook but he can't get his kooky ideas done because we are a good society and we have means to thwart him. But he changed the calculus and the courts etc and then there was nowhere to turn to. The courts ruled in favor of the Nazis consistently, which many Germans didn't think could happen. They became a full on dictatorship seemingly overnight. It wasn't but it was sneaky so it felt like it. mspart
  2. Whatever happens, it will most likely be exciting. I would think that everyone, but Zain, will want to try to qualify the weights. This could be very intriguing. mspart
  3. I'll go with the average. There will be 7.5 teams with a champion this year! mspart
  4. WR - What is interesting about this? Just one or two examples would be much appreciated. mspart
  5. I would think that part of the repentance process for such a person is to go through the legal system. So whether a clergyman or a psychiatrist or other kind of shrink, or lawyer with those "secrecy" privileges, I don't think it is wrong to report the sexual abuse. There are more than 2 ways to look at this and I am only considering the 2 ways and choosing one. Paramount is the protection of the child. How to do that without reporting the perpetrator if he/she is part of the family is something I cannot fathom. I see the opposite point but I am clear on protecting the child. mspart
  6. I think this is not an issue. I don't think many people have a negative view on civil rights towards the lgbtq community. They can choose to live how they want. That does not mean I have to agree with their opinion, position, or delusion. That does not mean I have to support them. I can accept them without supporting them. They can do what they want as long as they are adults. Moving to do gender affirming care with drugs and surgery on minors is a step too far and that is where the arguments are mostly at. Minors are minors because they do not have the ability to think clearly on the consequences of their actions. That is why they are minors. This is clearly stated in the bodily and brain function sciences as well as behavioral sciences. Yes, they say they want A, but tomorrow they may want B instead. That is part of growing up and learning consequences for behavior. It is morally wrong to inflict medicines that can cause irreversible effects or surgeries that also do the same on someone who may live to regret it. No one knows who those people are but it is demonstrable that they are there. This is no different that NC-17 or X ratings on movies. This is no different than not selling tobacco to minors. This is no different than keeping sudafed out of the hands of minors. This is why guns are not sold to minors. This is why alcohol and Pot are not sold to minors. They are not equipped to make fully informed decisions about their life. Clear and simple. That's it. That has nothing to do about civil rights, it has everything to do with protecting minors. If you want to whack off your junk and you are an adult, go for it. Don't complain about it afterwards, it was your decision. But don't put minors in a situation that does this because they can't make that decision. I think this should be something that all people agree on. Unfortunately it is not, because people take sides rather than ask what is the best thing for the minor child - not doing life altering things to them or doing life altering things to them. I think the correct answer is clear. But that is not a matter of civil rights. If so, than other things prohibited to minors should also be considered a violation of their civil rights. mspart
  7. You are right. That's why I listed Cox before Dake, Taylor and Gilman. Not sure what you are trying to say here. mspart
  8. 57 and 65 will be a fight to the almost death. These will be hotly contested. The fact we have WCs at 61 and 70 but not at 57 and 65, that should say something about the depth of the non Oly weights. So we have WCs trying to make the Oly team at 57 and 65 I'm guessing and they may not make it due to weight issues. mspart
  9. Ref called an obvious pin but the table did not agree. That's what I got out of it. mspart
  10. Yes, this is the problem. It is quite polarizing apparently. Is there any evidence that a two state solution would bring peace? There is not. Therefore, this is the problem. Why is Gaza so poor? Doesn't Gaza get billions in aid every year? Yet they still depend on Israel for fuel and electricity. Now if Israel really wanted to eliminate them, they would cut them off completely. They don't do that do they? Don't poke the bear is a good proverb for the Palestinians. They poke, they get bit. And everyone complains when the bear finally bites. mspart
  11. Some names in that list for sure. mspart
  12. Anyone know his status? Is he recovered? Is he continuing on in his quest for 97kg glory? I feel a little bad for him being a tweener but not too much because of his attitude of he is the king and will show everyone. Still waiting for that. I think that is not characteristic of his overall character, but I don't know him so maybe not. For the record, I don't think he makes the Oly team. Taylor and Snyder are too much for him. He fits into 92kg really well. Anyway curious for any info that is out there. mspart
  13. 10 weights! Lets do it!! At least FILA or UWW heard us and made it so for WCs. That's at least something good. I believe it makes the non Oly weights weaker but they still get medals. mspart
  14. So that guy that got pinned also gets gold? Agree, bad precedent. Either leave it be or fix it. mspart
  15. Agree to an extent. It is a credit to the US system to bring about such a rapid change in the caliber of our wrestlers. The 1990s was ok. Usually we had a medallist at WC and Oly. 2000s not so much. 2010-2023 except for the first couple of years we have always had a medallist. And recently more than one each year. Our program has been getting better and better. It was Burroughs, then Snyder, then Cox, then Dake and Taylor, and then Gilman. This year we have 7 medals out of 10 weights with 3 gold, 1 silver, and 3 Bronze. That's pretty darn impressive. And in the Oly weights, 1 Gold, 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze for 4 out of 6 weights with a medallist. And not only that, but mostly the weights are deep here in the US. I guess we'll see how deep when 2025 comes around. That's assuming not much changes for 2024 Oly team. 57 and 65 are who knows who will win those, but I think it is pretty clear for the other 4 weights. mspart
  16. It would appear to be the case. If only the news actually reported news rather than their own narrative. mspart
  17. Oct 7 is a classic example of why they cannot share the land peacefully. All the intifadas are other examples. Hamas does not want peace. They have said so very clearly in media. As long as Israel exists, Hamas will fight against them. Yes they are bad guys as you say. Very bad guys. So Israel feels the need to destroy them. What you want is peace through appeasement. It worked so well for Chamberlain and Europe now didn't it. You want peace and that means no more Israelis in Israel. Then there would be peace. Golda had it right. If the Palestinians lay down their weapons, there will be peace. If the Israelis lay down their weapons, there will be a massacre. It is that simple of an equation. The PLO, and now Hamas have made this their MO. They don't want peace, they want Israel gone and all Israelis dead. You can't appease them without weakening your position. This is why Hamas is being annihilated. They have had 20 years or so to describe peace. They have done it with rockets and incursions. But this last incursion was too much, too brutal, too costly in human terms. Hamas is doing what they have always done - attack and then expect the international community to prevail upon Israel to lighten up. Israel is not caving to that this time. They are preventing unneeded civilian death. They went into shifa hospital and did not shoot up the place. They offered fuel to keep the hospital running and it was rejected. Hamas wants death and destruction on either side, they don't care. Israeli death and destruction is good, because it gets rid of some of them at least. Gazan death and destruction is good because it brings out the warrior spirit in the Palestinians. Israel does more to keep Palestinians alive than Hamas does by Hamas' own admission. You want peace? Quit belly aching, let IDF eliminate Hamas, and there might be a chance. mspart
  18. Xi wants the US to say they don't support independence for Taiwan. That there is a no go item. mspart
  19. Decorum in our highest institutions is going the way of the electorate. Is it any wonder? mspart
  20. What are you reading? Obviously not what is being written. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/13/politics/al-shifa-hospital-us-intelligence/index.html Hamas has command node under Al-Shifa hospital, US official says https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/14/middleeast/israel-alleges-hamas-armory-under-hospital-in-gaza-hnk-intl/index.html Israel shows alleged Hamas ‘armory’ under children’s hospital in Gaza. mspart
  21. You don't know nothing. But maybe you are right! mspart
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