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Everything posted by mspart

  1. First, obviously you need what I put out because you are spoon fed left wing media (NYT, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, PBS etc) news that this seems like it must be out of this world crazy. Keep thinking that. Second, if you think Trump is going to ruin the Rule of Law, think again because it is happening. Why concern with HB? Because he obviously broke the law. DOJ allowed the statue of limitations to close some of those "investigations" and HB has implicated JB in all of this by paying him off. Remember, JB stated in the campaign when the HB laptop became a thing and Trump linked JB to HB to Burisma, that he, JB, knew nothing of any business dealings HB had. That was part of the basis for why JB was elected, because everyone trusted him and the news about the laptop was squelched and not discussed by major news. https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2020/nov/26/cooper-biden-voters/ Take this for what it is worth, but it was found 1 in 6 Biden voters would have or may have changed their mind. That would have resulted in a Trump win. To say the Rule of Law will be challenged is moot. It already is. HB implicates JB and we can't have that, hence the original plea deal he got that the judge rightfully refused. If that isn't challenging the rule of law, I don't know what is. mspart mspart
  2. https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-releases-direct-monthly-payments-to-joe-biden-from-hunter-bidens-business-entity/ Today, the House Oversight Committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden. This wasn’t a payment from Hunter Biden’s personal account but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world. At this moment, Hunter Biden is under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other serious crimes. And based on whistleblower testimony, we know the Justice Department made a concerted effort to prevent investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden.... It appears the committee has quite a lot on this topic. mspart
  3. I watched a video where the guy was saying no way is SEC not represented in the playoff. So Bama got in. I'm a Bama Fan. I am happy for Bama, although I don't necessarily think they deserve it. They have been off all year and played a horrible game against Auburn that they should have lost but won. I thought the same would happen in the SEC championship for GA. But Bama beat them and it was close. Anyway, I'm glad Bama is in but not so happy about FL State not being in. TX is a one loss team same as Bama. It might have looked weird to include FL State and make TX the only team with a loss. I think FL state should be in there and then I don't know. Bama or TX. That is the choice. TX beat Bama earlier in the season so they are an obvious choice. Bama showed glimpses of brilliance this season but also showed glimpses of mediocrity. I say they are lucky to have been 12-1. But I'm guessing they beat Michigan and then TX or WA. Either way, I root for the Huskies or Tide and I have both in the playoff so I am quite happy about that. WA has had some scary wins and they are the PAC-12 champ but they almost lost some games they should have blown out. Tough year for the CFP honchos to choose. That said, I think it should be GA,MI,FL State, and TX or WA or AL. That's my 2 cents. mspart
  4. Sign stealing in Wrestling is a fantastic topic. Really funny stuff guys!! mspart
  5. Maybe they'll even be on opposites sides of the bracket. mspart
  6. Thanks for the updates. Bigger brackets than I anticipated. mspart
  7. Furnace gets replaced on Monday. mspart
  8. I replaced the control switch. mspart
  9. The discussion was about the initial shutdown the feds and the states did due to covid. Newsom was pointing out that DeSantis followed the "science" and shutdown the state. What Newsom failed to say was that DeSantis also followed the science and lifted the shutdown as one of the first in the nation to do so. Thus the argument. mspart
  10. Didn't watch it. For those that did, what did you think of the format, intrusiveness of the moderator, and the time allowed for the debaters to make their point? Is this a template for future Primary and General election Presidential debates? mspart
  11. House is 51F per thermostat. mspart
  12. And when the government is advising the business of which content should be censored? Then that becomes part of the question. And that is what happened as demonstrated by the Twitter files. mspart
  13. I joined the local neighborhood swim team my junior year to stay in shape over the summer. They did a 500 yd warmup. I think I got maybe 150 yds and the warm up was done. By the end, I was up to 350 yds for the warmup. My first race was a 100 yd medly. I came in dead last and could hardly get myself out of the pool. I'm not a great swimmer, but the one thing I did learn was how to relax while swimming. I could have done 500 for a warm up given enough time. But they were impatient. I do remember some 8 year old girl had the most amazing butterfly stroke I had personally ever seen. It was a thing a beauty. I tried it and it was horrible, way to much energy and drowning with that stroke. mspart
  14. I could never even do that. Maybe any 10 meters after her 500th. mspart
  15. The above is not to say that BigBrog is wrong. On the contrary. The less we can pollute the earth, the better. I do my fair share of air pollution (cars, house, lawn mower, weed whacker, chain saws). But I use those things rarely except the car and house and the car is a diesel and gets 35+ miles per gallon routinely. Not as good as a hybrid, but pretty good. Right now my house is without a furnace so you'll all be glad to know I am not polluting with my house yesterday, today, and probably tomorrow. And it is cold here in PNW these few days. mspart
  16. Interesting intro to this article: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/04/01/how-the-little-ice-age-changed-history It is easy to forget just how variable the climate of the earth has been, across the geologic time scale. That is partly because the extent of that variability is so difficult to imagine. A world entirely covered in ice, from pole to pole—the so-called snowball earth—is something we find it hard to get our heads around, even though the longest and oldest period of total or near-total glaciation, the Huronian glaciation, lasted for three hundred million years. A world without ice is also hard to visualize, though it is by comparison a much more recent phenomenon: perhaps only thirty-four million years ago, crocodiles swam in a freshwater lake we know as the North Pole, and palm trees grew in Antarctica. The reality is that our planet oscillates between phases with no ice, phases with all ice, and phases in the middle. The middle is where we happen to be right now—a fact that is responsible for our faulty perception of the earth’s climate as accommodating and stable. mspart
  17. Ouch is right. Splits with that kind of weight on you!! I'll bet he was feeling that the next day. mspart
  18. You don't know nothing about wrestling, your name is true. mspart
  19. This might be transformative. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/battery-crushes-teslas-tech-unveils-160816090.html New Battery Crushes Tesla's Tech, Unveils A Solid-State Marvel With 300% Higher Energy Density, 15-minute Ultra-Fast Charge mspart
  20. I assume you mean for here in Seattle. Can you state with authority whether it was or was not? That's right..... Didn't think so! mspart
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