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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I choose where to waste my time. Such a quiz is not one of them. But this board is wasting time, I have to agree. But it is fun nonetheless. mspart
  2. If you read the words and believe him. So here are his words again regarding retribution: Hannity - We almost have to go to a break. I want to go back to this one issue, though, because the media has been focused on this and attacking you. Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody. Trump - Except for day one. Hannity -Except for? Trump -He’s going crazy. Except for day one. Hannity -Meaning? Trump -I want to close the border and I want to drill. ... Hannity -That’s not retribution. Trump -I’m going to be… He keeps… We love this guy. He says you’re not going to be a dictator, are you? I said, no, no, no. Other than day one. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator. Okay? Hannity - That sounds to me like you’re going back to the policies when you were president. Is that clear enough Vak. Read and understand and believe him. Hannity even says after that that's not retribution but going back to the policies Trump had when he was president. Read and understand and believe him. Where do you read retribution in there? Where do you read he is going to be a dictator in there? Let me interpret for you. He will close the border and drill to get retribution on what Biden did to his policies. And he will do that with EO's just like Biden did to get rid of those policies. Clear as can be. You said all you have to do is read and believe him. He's saying right there and you are not believing him. TDS runs deep. mspart
  3. So now you are saying Trump is right in there with Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, and Idi Amin? TDS on steroids. There is no way this happens. It doesn't happen. He showed no such inclination before. This is grasping at straws with no evidence to back it up. mspart
  4. I think this talk of him being or becoming a dictator are way overblown. It is TDS on steroids. He has never dictated anything as President that anyone can bring up. Unless you count EOs. He did use them. Just like Obama and Biden used them. Just like Bush. Every President uses them. So unless there is other evidence, I say this is overblown hysteria by hysterical people. mspart
  5. Yes, it does seems strange no one is challenging Richards. Good luck to Richards and winner of D ( Yianni I assume) and Lee. mspart
  6. Marianetti of Illinois Urbana. Beat McIravy in the finals. Great match. mspart
  7. Looks like Cox beat Moore in 2021 WTT finals 4-0 and 5-0. Not blowouts but unscored on. mspart
  8. You are the one that chose to vent on the chat board. So I chatted. It was unwelcome. Which really is quite strange on a chat board. Thoughts and prayers to you neutral. Just kidding. Or not. mspart
  9. Don't want to waste my time. Others can have their fun. Yes, I'm a boomer. mspart
  10. Probably some psycho mumbo jumbo. I did do one question - would I eat monkey meat. Perhaps I would. If so, I must be a killing machine hence conservative. If not, them I'm a bleeding heart and hence a liberal.
  11. I usually do keep them to myself but there is nothing wrong with doing so. Perhaps it would give comfort to someone. Who are any of us to say no to someone offering kind thoughts to another? If you are the person being offered thoughts and prayers, you have a couple of choices; accept them gracefully with a simple thank you, or be a jerk and get angry at them, or ignore them. We do have choices. mspart
  12. Not wasting my time. You can consider me a conservative. I don't need some quiz to figure that out. mspart
  13. How would Kollin Moore do against Cox? mspart
  14. What about sending good vibes or thoughts and wishes, or positive energy? I'm not seeing why there would be a distaste for someone offering what they can offer. mspart
  15. So far, based on responses to this chat board and results of the quiz, I'd say it is batting 1.000. mspart
  16. That Musk guy. Crazy eh? Why would the US government be after him? mspart
  17. What about those that say, Yeah, yes? mspart
  18. OTM - Yeah I get that. ionel - But we were trying to avoid WW III. So I think they chose not to use that strategy, although it sounds intriguing, especially buying at the local station. It seems to me that we have given them enough aid to beat Russia 14 times. mspart
  19. OK, thanks! I just heard he was giving up the seat but not the fight. Sounded kind of stupid to me. mspart
  20. I guess my question wasn't clear. Did he give a reason for resigning mid term? mspart
  21. I think MAGA was a reaction to Obama who tried mightily to bring the prestige of the US down. Is America Great he was asked. Just like any other nation is great he responded. Is this economy going to improve? This is the new normal. https://www.forbes.com/sites/louiswoodhill/2014/01/14/obamas-unemployment-new-normal-foretells-a-lost-decade/?sh=5f917dba6fee ...A quick look at the BLS Household Survey showed that, rather than being bad, December was actually a better-than-average month in President Obama’s “new normal” economy. This is not a huge accomplishment, given that “Obama’s new normal” comprises slow GDP growth, a stagnant jobs market, and falling real household incomes. These among other things Obama did to reduce the image of America across the world and within the country. So Trump comes along, recognizes that and says, Rather than create a mediocre America, why don't we make America great again? mspart
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