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Everything posted by mspart

  1. So what is better about our education system since the inception of the Dept of Education? How has education gotten better? How has it gotten worse? mspart
  2. You are making the case that I was correct by saying, "One side says there is something to look at here and the other says, no there isn't." Yet you are arguing you are not. Very interesting. mspart
  3. The lizard knows about that!! mspart
  4. Semantics. One side says there is something to look at here and the other says, no there isn't, because it has been looked over again and again and again. Hence there is no reason to look at it. You are trying to suggest that there is a difference here. There is not. Just because it has been looked at, does not mean that side wants it looked at again. They don't. Which if you take what they are saying at face value, they should welcome the opportunity to discredit the allegations. So why don't they want it looked into again? Thank you for making my point for me. mspart
  5. Yeah right. Bill is hearing it from Hillary all over again no doubt. mspart
  6. Has anyone studied the effect the dreaded chemical HOH on the atmosphere? According to the Wiki article, it is more potent than CO2. "Water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas but not one that humans are directly adding to.[20] It is therefore not one of the drivers of climate change that the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is concerned with, and therefore not included in the IPCC list of greenhouse gases. Changes in water vapor is a feedback that impacts climate sensitivity in complicated ways (because of clouds mostly). " But not one that humans are directly adding to? Every gas guzzling car, diesel, natural gas, coal, and hydrogen power cell makes water, releasing held up hydrogen in the fuel and joining it with O2 in the air and making HOH. But that one is not a concern. But what we and all animals exhale is? We should reduce the amount of athletic endeavor because that is adding to atmospheric HOH and CO2 over a sedentary public. I think there is a solution here. This would result in fewer buildings built for Olympic and other competitions thus reducing CO2 emissions as well. A panacea of a solution. mspart
  7. From both sides of this. One side says there is something to look at here and the other says, no there isn't. mspart
  8. My heart breaks for my fellow Bama fans. But that was a terrific game. Last play a head scratcher. My heart is full for all of the Dog fans out there. Another incredible game. Last play epic!!! I do not like Michigan. They barely beat a so so Bama Team. I am looking forward to seeing them be stomped senseless by a pack of Huskies on Monday!! mspart
  9. Wasn't that very thing done before early voting and mail in voting became a thing? Everyone voted on vote day and all the votes were counted and you had a result that night. Shouldn't be too hard. mspart
  10. I agree to an extent. I think Gilman has another go in him. We'll see. The others not so much. But you have an excellent point. JB might be in there as well. Lost at 74, and then at 79. He'll give it another go but I think no matter what, he gives it up this next year. But 74 is going to be a large and huge haul for him. It would be cool to see him in the finals with Dake. mspart
  11. That's what they say, Dollar cost averaging. Keep putting it in and let it grow. mspart
  12. I've been investing via 401K for my whole career. There was a period when I did not trust the market and got out, put all of the money into and effective savings account. Unfortunately, I stopped looking at what was happening and lost out on some serious gains until I got back in. That was roughly 10 years ago when I got back in and I have more than doubled my money. Granted I continue to put in, but the market has gone up that much. I keep a spreadsheet now everyday and look at daily and weekly trends, mostly the weekly to make any decisions. If the market is tanking for a few weeks or more, I may pull some or all out, and then if it goes up for some weeks I may get back in. That's timing the market but not on a daily basis. But I keep track of it all, even what all the funds are doing that are available to me so I can look at those and see if there are better options for me. mspart
  13. I just saw this. https://www.mediaite.com/news/foxs-turley-argues-that-all-9-scotus-justices-should-overturn-trump-ballot-ban-too-important-not-to-speak-as-one/?utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley said that all nine justices seated on the United States Supreme Court should sign on to an opinion overturning the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to kick Donald Trump off of its 2024 ballot on Wednesday, arguing that it was “too important not to speak as one” on this question. The Centennial State jurists released an opinion on Tuesday taking Trump off its ballot on the grounds that the 14th Amendment disqualified him from holding the presidency again. On America Reports Wednesday afternoon, Turley listened to Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold submit that Trump shouldn’t have a “get out of jail free card” on the issue of insurrection and strenuously objected to her premise. “Well, it’s a curious argument because it’s not a get out of free card because there is laws governing insurrection and incitement. And notably, Trump was not charged with that,” noted Turley. “You had a very motivated special counsel in Jack Smith who hit Trump with anything he could. But he conspicuously left out incitement, insurrection, sedition because he couldn’t prove it, because the evidence is not there. So that only adds to the problems here.” He continued: But the real issue for the Supreme Court is far more fundamental and frankly chilling. You know, this country is the most successful and stable constitutional system in history. And now, after two centuries of that, what these four justices have done is to introduce a destabilizing element in that system. And it’s going to go to the Supreme Court, and this may be the ultimate challenge for Chief Justice Roberts. I don’t have much question they will overturn this decision, but they should do it unanimously. They should do it in one voice, all nine, and not divide on this. It’s too important not to speak as one. I'll just say I agree. mspart
  14. That's hindsight. Did they see it coming? I don't think so. The stock market is gambling with better odds than a casino gives. mspart
  15. Again, it is opinion that Trump did all this. His rights are being taken away without due process and being charged with a crime. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/03/us/politics/indictment-trump-jan-6-violence.html The Charges That Were Notably Absent From the Trump Indictment An indictment this week did not accuse former President Donald Trump of inciting the mob that attacked the Capitol, but it did show that some close to him knew violence might be coming. There was something noticeably absent when the special counsel, Jack Smith, unsealed an indictment this week charging former President Donald J. Trump with multiple conspiracies to overturn the 2020 election: any count that directly accused Mr. Trump of being responsible for the violence his supporters committed at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The indictment asserted that as violence erupted that day, Mr. Trump “exploited the disruption,” using it to further his goal of stopping the certification of his loss in the election. But it stopped short of charging him with actually encouraging or inciting the mob that stormed the building, chasing lawmakers from their duties. And that last sentence is the issue at hand. Not even the DOJ has gone as far as CO supreme court. The DOJ in their reasonable judicial analysis decided not to charge because they could not prove it. The CO supreme court in their reasonable judicial analysis decided to strip Trump of being on the ticket because they could just say he did something the DOJ is not willing to try in court. Yes, the optics do not just seem bad, they are bad. mspart
  16. I read a little, I watch the market. Who saw yesterday coming? No one. Not the experts. Everyone was saying the bull continues to run when the big bad bear swatted him a good one. mspart
  17. buy high sell low. That's the rule I mostly follow! mspart
  18. To your 1st paragraph, no it is not the same situation at all. Sorry that is confusing. Are you saying it is a judgement call that a person is a citizen or 35 years old? Those 3 point, are objective things that there is no debate about. Period. Whether Trump incited an insurrection or not is a judgement issue, not objective truth. The CO court saying he did is essentially convicting him without judicial due process. And that is objective truth. To your 2nd paragraph, a trial was held and found Trump guilty of insurrection. Yet he was not charged at said trial and was not present at said trial. Apparently you don't see anything wrong with that but that action is antithetical to what the justice system is supposed to be about. Essentially Trump was deprived of getting his name on the ballot without due process because 4 of 7 justices "think" he was involved in an insurrection and made that decision without a trial specifically for that purpose. Due process is protected in the 5th amendment. mspart
  19. I'm for more wrestling, but I see your point about wear and tear. It just seems to me that wrestling real matches gets the rust of better. But perhaps, they take care of that in practice. The top keeps being at the top. Snyder seems to be an exception here, he wrestles through the year. mspart
  20. I only really look at my 401k. It starts to go down over a period of time I get stuff out of the market. When the market picks back up for a period of time, I get back in. Hopefully not buying high and selling low in the process. It has worked for me so far. Playing with fire though I know. mspart
  21. I would have bet on the market by the early indicators today. But I would have been wrong. Tanked in the last hours. Like I said, buy high sell low, that's the way to go. mspart
  22. This. Or similar the next election. This is not the direction we want our country to go in. Granted, CO is a D state and most likely would not vote for Trump in the general election, so it might be a moot point. But this is not the way we should be running elections. That is what the primaries are for, to weed out the weak and allow the top guy or gal to be the nominee of the party. Ohio Elite has it correct. None of us want to know what will happen if this CO decision stands. It will not be pretty. mspart
  23. Why would he not have entered US Nationals? That just seems weird to me. He was at the US Open in Apr 2023. Zane beat him in the finals. But he was in the finals. Why not qualify for OTTs by entering the US Nationals? mspart
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