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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Those pesky facts. They are not allowed.
  2. You forgot to leave a comment.
  3. It seems like these protests are escalating. There are about 50 protests going on right now on college campuses across the country. There are arrests being made and there is a lot of news coverage. The protestors are shouting death to Israel and death to America. What say you.
  4. Over the last 20 years the company I worked for installed 900 geothermal units. I was in charge setting up and starting up all the units. They are used instead of conventional heat pumps, A/C units and gas furnaces. They are very efficient. At one time the federal government had a tax credit of 35% no cap. North Carolina added another tax credit of 30% with a 8500 dollar cap. Systems are generally about 2 to 3 times the cost of a heat pump. Are units come with a 10-year parts and labor warranty. The units can be hooked into your hot water system and save about 50 percent on electricity. The Geothermal system is 2 to 3 time more efficient than a 14 Seer heat pump. They put them in the northern and the southern states.
  5. Just curious has Duke been entering any college opens this past season. Its hard to keep up with all the high school guys entering and doing pretty well. Has Duke made any of our world teams U17 ,U20.
  6. Its very rare. Reading about Jimmy Carr he made our World Team in 1971 as a 16 year old and placed 6th. In 1973 He made the Junior Olympic team and won a World Championship. Unfortunately he passed away at the age of 58 from a motorcycle accident.
  7. I hope he goes to Ohio State . That way his mom only has a 2-hour drive to watch him wrestle. Iowa is just too far away.
  8. Jimmy Carr made Olympic team in freestyle and wrestled in the Olympics. He was 17 and a junior in high school (Pa.) 1972. I am sure there are others who were top 3 and considered to be on the Olympic team. Kyle Snyder is our youngest World Gold medalist (19) and youngest Olympic Gold medalist (20).
  9. You must not watch high level freestyle wrestling. Watch how the best freestyle wrestlers in the world get 2 or 3 points and then shut it down. It is about winning and advancing. If necessary, maybe get a few more points. But smart stalling is taught from the time they are little.
  10. Folkstyle very exciting. Freestyle ,tolerable. Greco ,not so much. Folkstyle has so many more elements to it. Neutral position. Bottom and top wrestling. 3 periods. 3 point takedowns. 2,3 and 4 points for ( controlled) back exposure. Riding time is not needed but it is there. They use normal brackets. Thats a big plus. They have full wrestle backs for consolation. That is a huge plus.
  11. What is your take on next year's World Championship team. I really like having 10 weight classes.
  12. Oh man. Where is your stamina. With all these breaks you could rebuild your car engine, finish off the honey do list, put some meat on the grill, cook it and eat it and they would only be halfway through.
  13. This is a difficult decision, but I am going to go with F. Our enemies are elated that Old Joe is running for a 2nd term.
  14. Snyder won a world gold medal at 19. Beat our Olympic Gold medalist to make the team. He has 7 world and 2 Olympic medals. I believe 3 are Gold. Sadulaev was the best pound for pound wrestler in the world. Both of them both lost at Worlds last year.
  15. Tom didn.t need to. Snyder had about 200 takedowns in college.
  16. Blaze is a sophomore is Lilledahl a senior? Which one is higher ranked in folkstyle
  17. Some idiot who never wrestled sat down and came up with this absolute ridiculous idea. I mean how dumb is this. Either both wrestlers have to wrestle an extra match or Zains gets put in the bracket at the top as the number one seed. Only fair way to do it.
  18. I commend you for your patience with some of the posters on here. But I believe people in order to understand and improve they have to have an ability and a desire to listen and to learn. Unfortunately, I don't see that in some of the posters on here.
  19. I am not replying to you but to some of the other posters on here. That particular mask blocks particles 3 micron and larger. They are useless against Covid. The Covid 19 virus is .07 microns. The N95 mask which no one gave us to wear blocks particles .3 microns and larger. Better but still not very effective. Remember the covid 19 is .07 microns. the hair on your head is 70 microns in diameter to give you an idea how small the covid 19 is. Then you have all the gaps around the mask because it is a poor fit on your face. But if makes you feel better to wear a mask ,wear it.
  20. If joe would just do that soft whisper, (Don't) he would be more intimidating to these thugs. They would surely just run and hide if he would just WHISPER his threats.
  21. If Fauci and his crony's hadn't created this evil virus we wouldn't need anything. Trump would have been re-elected. No war in Ukraine,No war In Israel. No inflation. Border would be secure. Feel free to add the many other things that would be happening if Fauci and his cronies had not created this China virus.
  22. Olivers cut to 133 was really bad. Coleman Scott's cut to 133 was massive. Marstellars cut to 157 was ridiculous. I believe he wrestled 171 in High school. There were many others.
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