I was wondering why it is taking so long to figure it out? I feel if these were conservative groups illegally protesting on college campuses this would take about 1 week.
These protests seem to be well funded protests. Are George Soros foundations tied to this?. Why does the DOJ and the FBI do nothing. You have radical professors on the campuses radicalizing the students. We should withdraw all federal funding to these colleges.
Just saw this on the news. It was hilarious. They took over the Hamilton Hall building and now wants (expects) to be supplied with food and water. Idiots!!!!!
I will go with a Constitutional Federal Republic. It seems to fit pretty well. A Democracy is a government ruled according to the will of the majority. ( which we are not). Whatever you want to call our country it is in DIRE need of repair.
The Democrats already have a fleet of ballot harvesting combines. I think Corn Pop is one of the operators. Oh wait . I think he might have been eaten by a cannibal.
I just purchased a new John Deere ballot harvesting combine. It can harvest 1200 votes per hour. Which state should I start in first? I might need to get an entire fleet of combines by the look of things.
Those are the key words. (if it's Important to you). To some of us voting is a privilege and a duty. We take it seriously. If necessary, we will stand for hours but thank goodness we have early voting.
WE surely couldn't do that. That would be way to easy. The news media would go crazy. No waiting for a week or two to get all the results in from all the different states. Only 50 thousand votes separated Trump from winning in the last election. Having a week or 2 to tabulate the results is ripe for fraud.
There are probably 2 or 3 million people who are not citizens that legally have social security cards. Green card holders. Non-citizens that have permission to work here. Then of course there are fraudulent ones. A photo Id of some sort is best . having a social security number on it wouldn't hurt.
My first car was a 400 dollar American Motors 1969 Rebel. It was nice car. I then worked a saved up 700 dollars for a 1957 Chevy Belair. My brother bought a beautiful 1965 GTO for 600 dollars. The good old days.
I think if the federal government can hand out 150 billion dollars to transfer debt from college graduates (loans) to me and you the taxpayer they should be able to a lot a few million dollars for voter I.D.s or the state could.
That has to be the lamest excuse for not having voter I.D. . I wonder why 30 states already have some sort of voter ID. I read it had something to do with the Republican controlled legislature undeniably implemented this legislation to maintain its power by targeting voters of color. It also mentioned it was motivated in part by an unconstitutional intent to target African American voters.
I believe it was because it would adversely affect the black vote. That is what they said. They keep saying that blacks cannot figure out how to get a voter ID. Isn't that racist itself. I just don't agree with their findings.