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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Yes, they are locked and loaded for any VP pick. They have 85 lawyers on retainer ready for the green light. He should probably use a decoy VP pick. Maybe Morning Joe. Maybe Bernie Saunders. My pick would be Hillary Clinton.
  2. Do you mean taxes take up 3% of the 8% interest.
  3. Reality on farms is that animals die for one reason or another. Animals get sick, horses break their legs, dogs attack animals, dog attack people. They all get euthanized that's the reality.
  4. It is quite normal to euthanize (shoot) problematic dogs on farms. My dad brought home a problematic dog. She attacked our cow. Dad didn't do anything. Then the dog attacked me (dog bit my stomach ,4holes in myside) and my dad did the right ( I was 6 yrs. old) .Then my dad euthanized (Shot) the dog. I was working on a farm and my boss a very mean, vicious dog . One day the dog broke his chain and attacked me biting me on the arm ( I was 11). My boss euthanized the dog. These are fairly normal occurrences on farms. Most intelligent farmers protect their family and their livestock.
  5. It may have already been covered on here but how big of a check did OSU have to write. Maybe 600K or 700K? I think Brands is in the 700K range already.
  6. Most of the liberals referred to in Politico’s story refused to comment, but the Tides Foundation is out and proud: Why are so many of America’s richest people viciously anti-Semitic and anti-American? That is probably one for the psychiatrist’s couch. UPDATE: Here’s one more: add Goldman Sachs, a notoriously left-wing operation, to the list. MORE: Here is another one–Lina Khan, Chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission. To be fair, though, she is an “intellectual” supporter of anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism, not a financial supporter. A sample: It is hard to overstate how evil these people are. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/05/who-is-paying-for-the-protests.php Excellent job. Really good work. Thanks
  7. it says and I quote " Colleges and Universities received 1.068 trillion dollars in revenue from federal and non-federal funding sources." non-federal would include tuition and state funding, etc. (correct). I pro-rated to 1.4 trillion for 2023 because I could not find the updated data. In the article I did not see where it broke down the non-federal revenue. I apologize if it is wrong or I am wrong.
  8. Isn't 900 billion nonfederal revenue for a total 1.068 for 2018. isn't nonfederal tuition?
  9. Endowment funds. Harvard does very well 39.8 B. Yale, Stanford and Texas sit at 29B. A good number of schools are over a billion dollars.
  10. 200 billion is federal revenue. the rest is nonfederal revenue. In the 200 Billion I am pretty sure it doesn't include the grants for research. It would be separate.
  11. 203 billion would be federal revenue the rest of the 1.2 trillion is nonfederal revenue. I found it it on USAFACTS.org. It was an article from 2018 . It was 1.086 trillion then. I pro-rated it to 1.4 trillion in 2023.
  12. These colleges received 1.4 Trillion dollars in federal and non-federal funding last year. That is a lot of money. These colleges have 1 trillion dollars in their endowment funds. None of these dollars goes toward student loan forgiveness.
  13. It was a college that at one time had around 30 campuses all over the country. The college closed its doors last year. It had been in financial trouble for some time. It was called The ART Institutes. Just google Joe Biden 6.1 billion dollar loan forgiveness. There several dozen sources listed. This is just one college.
  14. Are the colleges in charge of taking the loan applications? Then does someone at the college approve of the loan? Why are they giving out loans for 20K to 150K without any collateral or a co-signer with collateral? Who actually approves the loans?
  15. We already give out 120 billion dollars in student aid for less fortunate students every year. Seems like the cost of college has gotten a little out of hand. The degrees that the colleges are offering many times do not translate to well-paying job opportunities. The colleges have no skin in the game. The federal government really sucks at giving out student loans. Joe Biden just paid off 6.1 Billion dollars in debt for fine art degrees. That makes about 150 Billion Dollars so far. If Joe gets reelected you can make that an even 1 trillion dollars before he is through. I would think banks would do a lot better about giving out student loans because they ask questions about you and your degree. Maybe ask how long you intend to take to get your 4 year degree. Maybe look at your grades. Maybe ask you if you intend to get a part time job or a job during the summer. They also make you have a cosigner who has money and good credit, sign their name. The bank has to answer to their shareholders if they give out bad loans.
  16. Offthemat, you know you can't say that because George is Jewish. Wrestleknownothing said so. George would never sponsor Anti-Israel organizations. lol. But I do appreciate your help. It seems there are quite a few articles with these same sentiments.
  17. So, you are saying AMP supports and sponsors SJP and these protests. I got that . Who sponsors and supports AMP? That is what I would like to know. Might it be Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation. I'm sure there are a few off shore accounts and some shell companies involved here.
  18. Good morning . I hope you are doing well. I guess you misread my post. I asked a question. The answer could be yes, no or I don't know. I could assume you answer might be no. But I would be jumping to conclusion just like you did.
  19. He donated his entire salary for 4 years to charitable causes. I think that comes out to 1.6 million dollars. I believe that would be a tax deduction.
  20. We should hire this guy to come to America and give lectures at all of our Universities. This would be great. He could also stop by Washington DC and give a lecture to our Senators and Congressman.
  21. I don't think that would work but you never know it's a little too obvious. I mean these people are really, really smart.
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