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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. I just want to do everything possible for fair and honest elections. Voter I.D. would be one part of that. Its unfortunate but some people just can't play fair.
  2. In North Carolina we voted for voter ID's and we got it. Then one activist judge somehow got it overturned. Unbelievable. I'm just not buying the integrity of our election process.
  3. What weight do you think Angelo will wrestle? 165 or 174.
  4. Wasn't Jaclyn a freshmen in high school then 40KG.. What were the scores of their matches.
  5. I wouldn't put Amit Elor not there yet. But she is well on her way. By the age of 19 she has cruised to 6 World Gold medals. She just turned 20. She will have a chance for an Olympic Gold this summer. She will have a very tough Japanese opponent among others. She has a great support group and is mature beyond her years.
  6. Well some dad that used a creative cattle prod on their son would have got his ass kicked then I would have made a creative phone call to the Police and social services . Could you imagine a high school coach or a college using that creative method with their wrestlers? He would never be allowed to coach again after he got done serving his time in jail.
  7. I missed the cattle prod story. But from what I have read and heard about his dad I can only imagine what his dad did.
  8. Didn't Kolat go up 2 weight classes to wrestle (challenge) Bono?
  9. Yes. He was placing in the MIdlands tournament while in high school when it was loaded with Olympians, Former NCAA Champions and Current ones, Former NCAA all-American's and Current all-American's. The current Midlands tournament is shell of its former self.
  10. They claim that he is just embellishing stories. Most of us call it lying . Its probably 99% lying. The other day he said he was a 18 wheeler truck driver. Unbelievable,
  11. I appreciate your thoughts on this. It is what I initially started the thread out to get some thought s on this. Boy has it taken quite a few turns .
  12. I'm really just trying to prepare to be a good politician in Washington DC or a good reporter for CNN and MSNBC. What say you.
  13. I did some simple math. They don't have jobs that's a + ( which is zero dollars) then you have housing that's a -,minus, then you have food that's a - minus. then you have college tuition and books that's a - minus, then you have a car that's a - minus, then you have a cell phone that's a - minus. Now you add it all up and it equals = taxpayers foot the bill. I am sure I missed a few things.
  14. The sad part is those holding those banners are receiving taxpayers money for their housing, food, college education and probably their car and cell phone. Basically everything.
  15. I think this is about preference. I prefer folkstyle wrestling over freestyle and greco. Just like I prefer College Football over Pro football. I prefer a well marbled steak cooked on a grill over a hamburger at McDonalds. It doesn't matter to me what your preferences are. You are a grown man you will have different preferences.
  16. According to all the talk about Duke I would think he would be number 1 at 70Kg.
  17. Is Marcus Blaze U17 or U20. Why isn't he on any list. I know he is on the Senior Olympic roster. Does it make him ineligible for U20 or U17?
  18. Democrats Straddling the fence can backfire on them this November. Right now, they are trying to appease both sides and neither is happy.
  19. I would say there is a pretty good chance if you are out there protesting against Israel.. Unless you are one of those paid protestors.
  20. I am not a reporter, nor do I own a news organization. CNN,MSNBC or FOX. I don't have 50 reporters out in the field from all 50states. Maybe you do.
  21. They have been showing them saying those things on TV news outlets for last 4 or 5 days. Just quoting what the protestors are saying. I assume you have not seen it. It would be easy to find on the internet. Just checked out YouTube . Saw 40 videos in about 10 seconds but there are a lot more videos.
  22. President Biden when asked about this said he has formed something , a (group, government, committee) to help people understand the Hamas ,Palestinian view point.
  23. Yes, that is a lot different than how a Geothermal heat pump operates. I am not familiar with the hot water to turbines either.
  24. 2024. The world has gone crazier. You better fasten your seatbelt.
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