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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. I'm not voting for Trump. Its DeSantis and Kristi Noem for me. If Trump is found guilty so be it. Next question.
  2. If you are a Democrat and watch CNN, MSNBC,NPR you probably have never heard of it. They only report the facts,
  3. A better sweetheart deal. He already has enough evidence for 3 felony charges. Could have had 2 more felony charges had they not let them sunset for his 2014 and 2015.
  4. Regardless if he is from Mars and supports the Milky Way .Hunter was 2 minutes away from getting the deal of the Century. That was Weiss's deal.
  5. Now he has the power to draw this out until after the election. He also has the power to give him an even better sweat heart deal. Zero confidence in Weiss.
  6. He says he is proud of Hunter. He also says Hunter is the smartest person he knows. I would also say Joe might be disappointed in a lot of Hunter's decisions he has made.
  7. Yes on first question ( 2 million dollars). Yes on the second question (Joe has said this a 1 million times) . I thought your question was for someone else.
  8. I think the same zeal would be prudent. But it will never happen and we all know why. I was hoping you would reply. You are very knowledgeable. Do you understand the use offshore bank accounts and the use of shell companies? Thanks for your help.
  9. The bigger question is what did he get the money for in the first place? What was he doing or selling?
  10. Thats a great response and was expected. The next question is if what they were doing was legal and on the up and up why do they have offshore bank accounts and are using shell companies? Why aren't they depositing the money in their regular bank accounts like you and I would do.? Why aren't they declaring the money on their tax returns like you and I would do? You are very knowledgeable. I was going to ask the questions about Offshore accounts and shell companies anyways.
  11. Crafty ,smart Criminals through the years have been very difficult to catch and very difficult to prosecute. I believe if the DOJ and the FBI would go after Joe Biden, his brother and Hunter Biden with the same zeal that they went have Jan. 6th protestors we could easily get all the information needed to arrest and prosecute them. But they will never happen and we all know why.
  12. Very sorry for your loss. These were very difficult times to say the least.
  13. There is no proof, there is no proof, there is no proof. There I beat all the no-proof deniers.
  14. You are definitely an extremist for sure. You should have taken the 5th. I have a remote cabin in the woods you can stay at until they quit looking for you.
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