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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Another way to think about it is these are the rules everyone else must abide by, so why not him?
  2. Interesting question. Will ESPN push to have gambling lines on every event they have broadcast rights for? I think yes.
  3. Was it a government definition? Or some other source? You specifically referenced shock at the government's definition.
  4. You asked for the government's definition. I doubt there is a definition of extremism that does not include violence. It is the violence that makes it extreme, which I believe is part of the definition in that document.
  5. https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/fbi-dhs-domestic-terrorism-definitions-terminology-methodology.pdf/view The definition in detail
  6. I hearf he has applied for a trademark for "Twitter marks the spot"
  7. https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-mark-zuckerberg-cage-match-surgery-ab2db3d27862fb9ef188d438bf002862 Elon Musk is working on becoming the bionic man before his cage match with Mark Zuckerberg. Seems unfair if you ask me. The article says it will be live streamed on X. I assume that is so no one will see it? Does anyone know if DeSantis decided to run?
  8. you never tire of being wrong. https://www.opensecrets.org/2020-presidential-race
  9. I always wondered about shingle replacement, too. My assumption is the sales person for the solar panels is not interested in what happens years down the line and will not offer information if not asked or will deflect if asked. The other issue I found out about recently is weight. I just finished building a house and was considering solar panels. The architect needed to know early in the process so that he could design the roof to handle the incremental weight. In talking to the builder he confirmed that no one thinks or cares about that in retrofit applications. Like all things home improvement, I assume you are swimming with the sharks on this stuff.
  10. I think a lot of solar panels are sourced from China (not unlike the technology you used to type your response), but wind infrastructure comes from Denmark, Germany and the US. As for inefficiency, I am guessing that is very hard to agree on the right measure. What are the calculations you are referencing?
  11. How do you get from "expand wind and solar power generation" to "sending billions to China, and increasing electric bills three or four times what they are now"?
  12. I apologize in advance for this post, but... Instead of USC, UCLA, Washington or Oregon adding wrestling, is there a chance Maryland, Rutgers, Indiana, Illinois, or anyone else drops wrestling? Prior to the addition of four non-wrestling schools this probably would have been unheard of, but now that 22% of the Big Ten does not sponsor wrestling who would notice if it went to 28%? I will now accept suggestions for my penance.
  13. Sorry, just noticed the embed didn't work. Let's try this again as a link. https://pennstate.forums.rivals.com/threads/flosports-sued-in-consumer-privacy-class-action.323850/ P.S. for the record @ionel's response was the correct response.
  14. The Athletic has a good article today about how joining the Big 10 has been bad for Rutgers. According to their research, "despite astronomical increases in shared Big Ten revenue, the athletic department has racked up more than $250 million in debt." They are one of the only Big Ten schools whose athletic departments are not self-sustaining. "Of the Big Ten's 13 public universities, nine athletics departments receive minimal of no funding from the university, state or from student fees. However, over eight years of data, Rutgers has received nearly $240.8 million in direct university or state funding or from student fees." The other three in the category (Maryland, Illinois, Minnesota) received a combined $200 million net. With increased travel expenses for the likes of Rutgers, Maryland, Oregon, and Washington things could actually be worse for some of these schools on the bottom line even if the top line improves.
  15. I have read this post three times and I still have no clue what you are saying.
  16. You know that is not what I responded to. Your lie is your admission of guilt.
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