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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Saw that too. Is it possible that our understanding (or theirs) of "gray shirt" is incomplete?
  2. I don't think Trump will use you to represent him.
  3. They are careful to avoid to much detail from the capitol riot in the indictment, so no.
  4. Not according to US law. In the US insider trading is about theft of information and/or betrayal of trust, not theft of money from the market.
  5. My favorite quote so far from the indictment comes from a Trump Senior Campaign Advisor's email. "When our research and campaign legal team can't back up any of the claims made by our Elite Strike Force Legal Team, you can see why we're 0-32 on our cases. I'll obviously hustle to help on all fronts, but it's tough to own any of this when it's all just conspiracy shit beamed down from the mothership."
  6. Insider trading laws in the US are different than they are elsewhere, and are a little weird. And, yes, sometimes victimless.
  7. Makes you wonder how it can be so specific and so wrong.
  8. What do you think will be the mechanism for Biden not running? Do you see a scenario where he steps down, with or without encouragement from his party?
  9. And the company he merged with Paypal's creator was called X.com. In the deal Paypal got to keep the URL. Ultimately, Musk bought it back from PayPal in 2017.
  10. Donald Trump's legal fees are eating away at his campaign funds. Trump's committees and allied Super PAC ended June with $63 million, second to DeSantis' $109 million. Meanwhile, the two entities footing Trump's legal bills ended the month with $4.2 million, about enough to cover one more month of expenses. His legal expenses are expected to be around another $40 million before his cases are through. And he will have to keep spending to win the primary in spite of his current sizeable lead. Will Trump have enough money left for the general election to defeat Biden who does not need to spend on a primary?
  11. I know a thing or two minus a thing or two.
  12. And Musk's lawyer hilariously calls it Twitter.
  13. This reminds me of my favorite line from How I Met Your Mother. Robin is a news anchor and her lead in to commercial was, "Is your baby trying to kill you? The answer may surprise you."
  14. Free speech absolutism strikes again: https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-lawsuit-cchd-twitter-x-hate-speech-extremism-434a80631f9e76833ee30387c04dd290
  15. I know you kid, but that will absolutely be the new argument people use instead of admitting they are wrong.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/p/CvS0jL8vAgN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  17. For me its The Salt Lick in Driftwood, TX near Austin
  18. That seems off topic. But I can't be sure anymore.
  19. You have conveniently left out so many key details. The u visa was created as part of the attempt to prosecute human trafficers who have brought people hear against their will. You only qualify for a u visa if you help law enforcement prosecute a specific set of crimes, like if you were kidnapped and brought to the US against your will. The new law does not allow illegal immigrants to become cops. It allows non-citizens who are legally authorized to work in the US to apply to become cops.
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