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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. It sure doesn't. When I did the total I missed his pigtails. I went back later to backfill the breakdown which includes his pigtail points. Now I have more work to do.
  2. The story I saw, but can no longer find, said there were three ways to post bond. One was a program that allowed for 10%. They did not specify qualifications for the program, but I have to believe for non-violent offenses like these, with minimal to no flight risk, 10% seems in order.
  3. edge cases here, edge cases there, edge cases everywhere. How do you deal with Kevin Randleman who was academically ineligible his senior year, but 2, 1, 1 prior to that? Or for reasons I cannot discover, Gary Albright who perhaps did not wrestle his sophomore year? If nothing else, Albright gets bonus points for his National Wrestling HOF picture. He was inducted as a professional wrestler. Love the faux Nebraska singlet combined with the boxer stance, to say nothing of the coif. RIP, big man.
  4. He can Zoom in like Putin. Putin cannot fly to South Africa or he will be arrested. You know, the basis for a good reserve currency.
  5. Agreed. BTW I started reading the last two Cormac McCarthy books this morning. One of the characters says, "No one ever got rich selling their time." Of a theme.
  6. I think this song has been written every year since there has been years.
  7. How would you know what currency they placed bets in? Unless...
  8. The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Any day now the BRICS will issue a new currency that will displace the US dollar as the world reserve currency. We will all be speaking a mix of Chinese and Russian within a decade.
  9. Post all your theories here. The crazier the better.
  10. This is terrible. I hope for a full recovery and safe return to wrestling.
  11. I read through a few of his reports. This guy puts me to shame. His level of detail and analysis was incredible.
  12. How many parents get in the way at the D1 level? I know I have heard of 1 or 2 instances, but that seems the rare exception rather than the rule.
  13. By that token I should only count years 2-4. And now that I type that out loud. Maybe I will. Could be interesting.
  14. strong sitting in my office with the music playing this inspired me to play 54-46 Was My Number. thanks for that.
  15. What will famous wrestling-based blockers like Mineo and Pyles do? This could be an existential crisis.
  16. Not only did you not say anything worse, I did not accuse you of saying anything worse. But you did claim that others compared it to the worst racist words, which you find insulting. So again, just because there are worse words does not make that an acceptable word. And just because you say it aims directly at the moral fiber of the target does not make it a true statement. That word has never had anything to do with moral fiber. And I would be shocked if you did not know that. It seems like you just like to use it and will attempt any lame justification to do so. I think you are just plain wrong on this.
  17. Wilco fan. So, so on Son Volt. If you are a Westerberg fan, check this out: He sold it for download for 49 cents in 2008. It is a single track, but many people have published "track" lists for it. More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/49:00 Two of my favorites: Visiting Day at 10:40 and Devil Raised A Good Boy at 14:28
  18. It always amazes me you think it is ok just because you can think of something worse. Why are you so insistent that the problem is us when you use that?
  19. I am a believer in revealed preferences, so I went to my Spotify account and looked at who I listened to the most. There were a lot of solo acts/bands, but I listed the bands I listen to the most, that must, therefore, be my favorites.
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