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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. The Clash The Rolling Stones The Who The Replacements The Police After reading that list I feel like I should add The The
  2. Given your avatar I am a little surprised there is no particular order. And RIP Robbie Robertson.
  3. He would not be the first guy on the list with five tournaments. Both Myles Amine and Jaydin Eierman are among the top 228 with five tournaments. Eierman had more than enough after four tournaments, but Amine was only a half point above The Ed Peery Line after four tournaments. For that reason I started looking at it on a per tournament basis. Then later I looked at it on a per match basis, because until recently there was a lot of variability in bracket sizes. On a per tournament basis I am guessing O'Toole will end up looking very good. But Eierman (#226 of 228) is hurt by his injury and Amine (#218) is hurt by his first four tournaments. Meanwhile, Wayne Martin is tied with Amine in total points, but he is fifth highest in points per tournament.
  4. I think mastering the transfer portal is huge. I want to believe that NIL is huge, but I am not convinced it matters as much as people on here want to believe it does for fringe sports like wrestling. But that also means if some wealthy booster wants to treat NIL as a loss leader, they can potentially dominate a fringe sport.
  5. I can see your argument. Koll might not be running toward UNC, but away from Stanford.
  6. Core CPI peaked around 6.7% in this latest round, while headline maxed out at 9%.
  7. That is what the headline number is. And that is what is typically reported.
  8. There are a whole lot of measures of inflation (CPI, PCE, PPI, etc) and almost all of them have headline numbers and core numbers. Core does not includ energy or food because they are both seasonal and volatile.
  9. This table has a lot of problems. First, there is the definition challenge. What is a D1 school prior to the existence of D1? And how do you deal with schools that competed at multiple levels? What is a team in the open era when anyone can show up? I address none of these questions. Second, all of these start and end years are my best guess. My best guess as to the 20 longest tenured top level teams that no longer exist:
  10. I am very annoyed with myself. I have Keegan O'Toole in my database and just completely overlooked him. At 62.5 points he sits 189th on the list in a tie with a couple of Iowans, Dan Holm (72-75), and Derek St. John (11-14). With one more title he jumps into the top 30 all-time. And because of that fifth year, he has a chance to challenge The King's total of 107.5 points. Though, if he has two more title years identical to his last two he would come up a mere half point short. But if he can ramp up the bonus scoring while still winning titles, he has a shot. Technically, he can still take second with four pins and pull it off.
  11. Qatar used the World Cup to burnish it's image, why not use sport to expose it, too? Same for Saudi Arabia. The government is buying multiple teams in multiple soccer leagues, and a whole golf league to shine their apple. I have no problem with athletes pushing back. Aa a matter of fact, give multiple governments' intrusion into sport, it seems like sport is now the perfect place for social justice protests.
  12. To be in the Top 228 All-Time Point Scorers in NCAA history a wrestler needs to have at least 59 total points (advancement, bonus, and placement). Baseball has The Mendoza Line, I have The Ed Peery Line. There is one wrestler knocking on that door this year. And two who have kicked the son of a bitch in (with thanks to Bum Phillips). Vito Aruj-wow Vito Arujau has scored 55 points to date across three tournaments. With an average performance he can cross The Ed Peery Line and get to 73 total points, good for a tie for 82nd with Northern Iowa all-time great Bill Koll (46-48). Sure, Koll got his 73 along with 3 titles in just three years, but that is still some heady company. Anyone expecting Arujau to have an average year probably does not like nice things. More likely is Arujau repeats, or even exceeds, last year's achievement. A repeat performance would boost his total to 77 total points, good for a four way tie at 62nd with Wayne Martin (OK 34-36), Pat Milkovich (MSU 72-76), and Myles Amine (Mich 17-22). A real heater could see him as high as 85 points and a place in the top 27 all-time, and 1 point ahead of former teammate Yianni D. Carter "You Don't Have To Be A" Starocci "Baby (To Be in My Show)" Carter Starocci is already among the all-timers with 67 total points to date, clocking in at #125 along with some other names you may have heard (Mark Schultz UCLA/OK 80-84, Greg Jones MSU 02-05, Earl McCready OK ST 28-30, Dave Porter MICH 66-68, Chuck Yagla IA 73-76, and Bo Jordan OH ST 15-18). Among that group, only McCready, and Porter can keep pace with Starocci's per year output, though (22.33). Starocci has not been a bonus point machine at the NCAA tournament, racking up only 7 total points. Though, for the numerologists in the crowd it may be interesting to note that he has doubled his bonus point output each year (1,2,4). Dare we put him down for 8 bonus points this year? Sure, what the hell. With a 28 point total this year and a 4 year total of 95 total points he would find himself in some very rarified air, top 9 and tied with bonus point machine Darryl Burley (Lehigh 79-83). A perfect score moves him up to 8th where he would displace Bo Nickal and slot in just behind Jason Nolf. A perhaps more probable average performance moves him up to the 89.5 range where Iowa's finest, Spencer "The One We Were Promised" Lee (I know, I know, subject to debate), resides along with fellow Iowan Jim Zalesky in 18th position. A-A-Ron Brooks Aaron Brooks has taken advantage of an extra half bonus point to slot in above his teammate at a tie for 123rd to date, with 67.5 total points. None other than Yojiro "I Do Not Like To Rub It In" Uetake (OKST 64-66) is sitting there with him. Brooks may want to consider not returning this year just so that his name is always mentioned in the same sentence as the legendary Cowboy. In the event he does not heed my advice and does return, Brooks can expect to continue to be in the same conversation with Starocci. An average performance slots him in at 16th alongside Iowa's Lincoln McIlravy and Northwestern's Jake Herbert on 90 points. While a max output sees him on the Second Team Mount Rushmore in 8th place on 97.5 points. Note All past wrestlers were re-scored using today's scoring method for advancement, placement, and bonus points. This created some obvious challenges for some of the really old dudes, but whatta ya gonna do? The answer is nothing. I just made some simplifying assumptions, which I also will do with the new scoring rules for this year.
  13. That is not what the federal indictment states at all. It said there was no outcome-determinative fraud. No one who speaks intelligently on the subject states there was zero fraud. The hyperbole does no one any good.
  14. He absolutely meant etch. Gave me a chuckle though. Kind of like when I hear "a tough road to hoe".
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