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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/jim-jordan-make-third-try-top-job-paralyzed-us-house-2023-10-20/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%2C Oct 20 (Reuters),the House floor%2C lawmakers said. Dropped him like a bad legislator habit
  2. Republicans are now taking a secret ballot vote on whether Jordan should remain the speaker designate. The options are yes, no, and present. I am assuming that he will have many, many fewer yes votes than what he got on the floor in public. But it is unlikely the results will be released. Leaked perhaps, but not officially released.
  3. When Jesus Rob Ryan sits with you, who can stand against you?
  4. Turns out Kevin McCarthy has a very refined sense of humor. "Jim Jordan is an effective legislator" was the punchline, but he needs to work on his set up.
  5. I think the final total was 25. If he really wants to get it over 30 he will have to hold another meeting.
  6. The call is alphabetical. I started listening in the D's. We are in the F's and there are already 5 no Jordan I have heard.
  7. Looks like 433 present (though still finishing up call to quorum aka roll call). So 217 is the number today. With 221 Republicans present cannot lose more than 4 of them. Unless he can reach across the aisle to convert some De....
  8. Can we just ban this guy once and for all @BobDole, @Husker_Du? I can't take his sickness anymore.
  9. McHenry is Speaker pro tempore And Jordan ran into a lot of friction for this proposal and backed off of it. He is going to ask for a third vote instead.
  10. It has been said you are a real POS. By me. It was me. Who said any of your BS? And where are those reports?
  11. I don't think this has any bearing on any of Donald Trump's cases.
  12. My favorite author, Matt Levine, uses that technique all the time in his writing. He writes about financial topics, an industry dominated by men. It is his way of saying women are capable of anything in the financial field men are, and I enjoy the technique. But here is the thing, you only use it to refer to those you are putting down. You never use the technique otherwise. It makes it impossible not to notice the correlation between calling someone ma'am and putting them down. The correlation between negativity and your use of a female title is perfect, I think. That is why it has the opposite effect of the one you claim.
  13. Agreed. AI is a big data operation. One of one wrestlers would be an enigma.
  14. I never harangued you. I harangue this guy all the time because he likes to make up lies and then hide behind words like reportedly, supposedly, maybe, and other double dumb stuff like that. His awe shucks b.s. and abhorrent views of rape make it so I cannot help myself. He is truly awful. And I hate that he views himself as some sort of ambassador for wrestling. All he can do is damage wrestling's standing.
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