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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. From the release: Effective immediately, reinstatement guidelines for student-athletes who wager on teams at their school — excluding their own team — will start at requiring one season of ineligibility and a loss of one year of eligibility. Student-athletes will also be required to participate in sports wagering rules and prevention education as a condition of reinstatement. Previous guidelines, as approved in June, prescribed permanent ineligibility for those cases. The adjusted guidelines may be applied to cases in which student-athletes are currently serving suspensions related to wagering on a different team at their own school that were reported on or after May 2, 2023.
  2. Sorry, forgot the color legend. Red is the number of pinfalls, green is the number of wrestlers who won at least one match by pinfall.
  3. @grogs84 reached out to me the other day and and asked me if I wanted a data set that contained every result from every match from every tournament from 1988 - 2021. Uhhhh, does a swimmer spit in the pool? So, if you like more of these data driven discussions make sure to throw a thank you his way. On the other hand, for those of you who were hoping I would run out of ideas and data, whoo boy, look out. On the same day our own @Husker_Du offered me a better version of the Big Board to use. Rather than use what is posted on Flo (a mishmash of when they were wise enough to have Willie do it and when they were not) I got the pure stuff, right from the source. I have both data sets hooked up straight to my veins at this point, and I am ready to roll. Not telling what is going to emerge from my fever dreams now. Thank you both, gentlemen.
  4. 2006 was the Year of the Pinfall. But I am not sure why. Any theories? And it happened across the board. Virtually all weights were up.
  5. While I do not agree with his example, I do agree with his statement, as did the framers of the constitution. We don't have a pure democracy. The Senate exists as a check against purely representative government. It is there to specifically stop the many from strictly and always imposing their will on the few. Weren't you in the room where it happens?
  6. That part I get. But it only explains the decision to leave real wrestling for minor league pretend wrestling. It does not explain qualifying for worlds and then backing out in the eleventh hour. Nor does it explain coming back to NCAA's after the worlds bow out.
  7. Will they? Won't they? Today is supposed to be the day that the D1 Council makes their decision. The original decision got kicked back to the Division 1 Committee on Student -Athlete Reinstatement and Legislative Committee (name chosen by the Department of Redundancy Department?) on October 4th at the request of the Collegiate Commissioners Association (good thing there is not a ton of bureaucracy slowing this down). https://www.ncaa.org/news/2023/10/4/media-center-di-council-to-reexamine-sports-wagering-reinstatement-guidelines.aspx
  8. What makes you think that? I do not know either way. And I certainly do not know the ins and outs of the judicial process like @VakAttack, so would be interested in his experience.
  9. So, I saw this question when you first posed it and it saddened me. Not the question, per se, but the fact that I did not have the data to answer the question properly. But, then out of the blue, another member of the forum came along and offered me exactly the thing I was missing, a match by match breakdown of every NCAA Tournament from 1988 - 2021. I about crapped my pants, I was so excited. And while I need to do a little more work to answer your question better (even though it was very poorly phrased, after all what the hell is a pin?), I think this simple bar chart suggests what the correct answer is. No, there probably was not a meaningful change in pinfalls as a result of the 2016 change from 3 point near fall to 4 point near fall. However, there was likely a meaningful uptick in techfalls and major decisions.
  10. That Trump chose a bench trial and lost that trial has been very widely reported.
  11. What I don't get is letting minor league pretend wrestling / interpretive dance get in the way of real achievements.
  12. Every cowboy cut I ever saw is sizable.
  13. I think the PSU guys are aiming for US Open rather than Farrell. At least that is all Casey Cunningham mentioned in his pre-season email.
  14. I just finished building a miter saw table. That is the best I can do.
  15. To come full circle we also need to look at the teams who have had success recruiting outside of The Big Board. These schools would have to be considered the raw materials champs. They get those lumps of carbon and turn them into diamonds. Cornell Reigns Supreme There is a reason Cornell has become a regular podium contender: 11 AA's from 6 wrestlers who did not make the Top 100 Big Board slots. Caveat: When dealing with name data things can get messy. Mapping Toms to Thomases and Zaches to Zacharyes is time consuming, manual, and very error prone. And weeding out the Ramon Bravo-Youngs from the Roman Bravo-Youngs or the Sorensons from the Sorensens is inexact at best. Add to that that you are looking for the absence of something and I expect that these numbers are very good approximations rather than according to Hoyle correct.
  16. He was outperformed by Henderson AND McKenna. But he teched Rivera.
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