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Everything posted by Crotalus

  1. Agreed. Boulevard Wheat is one of my favorite beers and who doesn't like a good brewery tour.
  2. I'm not a true local as I'm from Columbia. I haven't (yet) eaten at either of the places you mentioned. Perhaps others can comment on them. I will say, all the places I mentioned are famous for a reason. A lot of my local friends swear by Joe's and Arthur Bryant's is usually my go-to when in town. They are all excellent and you should eat at as many as possible. None of them should be avoided just because they are "tourist" spots.
  3. I think MM would have to absolutely dominate his half of the bracket, which he is capable of doing (and then beat O'Toole, of course), to have a chance at OW. Reluctantly agreeing with JC that Starocci's path is actually set up for an OW run with two former champs in the way. O'Toole's path is difficult enough to compete with that depending on who is more... outstanding...
  4. Cody Brewer was the 13 seed. And he dominated his way through the bracket. He should have been seeded much higher, though.
  5. For food, just eat at all the BBQ joints. Arthur Bryant's, Gates, Joe's, Q39, Jack Stack....man, now I want BBQ.
  6. This is actually not an uncommon occurrence. And the seeding won't be manipulated because of it.
  7. Yeah, 5 would be the max, but that's not likely. Keegan is the only lock (knock on wood). Big Elam has been the next most consistent guy all year. Dominated by Bastida twice, but still a pretty solid chance. Rocky is hopefully rounding into form. After that, Surtin has a chance, but 125 is crazy. Mocco has not been wrestling great, but if he turns it on, he is the only other opportunity for an AA. I've given up on Mauller.
  8. Seeing on Twitter that Rocky got the 5-4 dec over Buchanan. Seems like there's been something going on with Rocky this year, so that's a big win over a guy he's struggled with in the past.
  9. Anyone watching this that can provide relevant updates?
  10. Ah, yeah. I was misremembering. He was rd 12 the previous season, though. So actually a bit of an underperformance last year. He needs to get on the stand this year.
  11. This remains to be seen. Wasn't he round of 12 last year? And he's ranked right around there this year. He could finish anywhere from high AA to DNP and it wouldn't be a surprise.
  12. They both lost to guys they should have beaten. Can't really blame USAW for that.
  13. I was high on Yianni for a while, but he just hasn't made improvements for several years now. I'm over the Retherford/Yianni/Lee era and ready for Alirez to take over.
  14. Yeah, you could potentially wrestle in a little as a week after a meniscus scope. With an ACL, you either have to hold off on surgery like Spencer or Kerk, or you're out for the season. That said, I've seen people walk (or continue to wrestle) immediately after an ACL tear. If a knee locks up from a meniscus tear (torn part folds up in the joint), you aren't walking until you can get it to unlock.
  15. Since I currently live in Maryland, I'll add the obvious choice: Kyle Snyder.
  16. TJ's grades were the problem. He was only able to get academically eligible for that one season (as heard through the grapevine). His size cost him in his two losses at NCAA as he couldn't escape from bottom. I heard he weighed in ~120 lbs, and he might have been 5' with shoes on. His arm spin was ridiculous. He would have been a contender if he could have stayed eligible.
  17. I grew up wrestling with his older brothers. J'Den was born a monster. Wrestled up in age groups and weight class in youth tournaments to try and get competition (and the parents of the bigger, older kids would complain). I don't think he ever lost a state tournament after his first year of wrestling. He also had endless energy, at least as a kid. The bouncing around he does in the mat would continue all day long. No surprise J'Den is my pick for best from Missouri when looking at the full career, followed by Henson. High school-wise, I definitely got to see some incredible wrestlers in the late 90's- early 2000's, but TJ Hill was legendary (those Farmington kids were takedown machines). I believe he teched or pinned everyone his last 2 (or more) seasons.
  18. It's a unique opportunity he has, for sure (as well as Brooks and Star, should they take it). And should he complete the feat, it will be part of the discussion for decades when discussing the greatest college resumes. I just strongly disagree that it would count for less than all the other 4 timers as you proclaim. All the other guys other than Dake took a redshirt at some point to accomplish the feat. It would be easy to argue that third as a true freshman is more impressive than redshirting (i.e. 3,1,1,1,1 > RS,1,1,1,1).
  19. Except they would have the opportunity to win 5 if they wanted to. Bottom line is winning 4 NCAA titles is beyond impressive, but folks are always looking for opportunities to knock the guys they don't root for. As a Mizzou fan, I'm just enjoying the O'Toole era, regardless of how it ends up.
  20. Let's do a hypothetical comparison. What about Steiber? He competed attached in 5 seasons. He took multiple losses during his first freshman season and most likely wouldn't have won the national title. An injury allowed him to wipe that season out and start over, and then he won 4 straight. Is that more impressive to you than what O'Toole has the potential to do? (Mind we are counting our chickens, here.) The argument is that only Dake is actually 4 out of 4 as all others took a redshirt of some sort. The difference being that O'Toole was effectively allowed to compete as an attached athlete during the season he would have otherwise redshirted. If he was a year older and took a redshirt in 2020 and then had 5 NCAA tournaments to win 4 titles, it would be a different story.
  21. True. It should count for more. He effectively placed third in a redshirt season and then (hypothetically) rattled off four in a row. I'm being a bit facetious, as all 4xer runs are great for different reasons, but he still needs to win number 3 before we worry about where to rank him amongst the other guys.
  22. Well, so far, Mizzou has put one highly ranked guy on the mat and 125 is a shitshow. Not sure how we don't have a back up 133, Edmond put up a decent effort and I don't even know who Mylin is. Where is Setzler? Started writing this before Mauller lost. I said earlier I would not be surprised to see him lose to Travis. Travis is going to be a multiple AA.
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