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Everything posted by wrestle87

  1. Funny how this contributes to teams being shut down j*sus christ, to even be in the same ballpark is terrifying.
  2. You’re not wrong, but think about how much it says that Cael can go full Bob Knight and still not be close to being in the same league as J Smith and the Brands Bros in terms of uncontrollable competitive rage. I think a better barometer is to look at how wrestlers behave who are part of the program, and how grads of the program behave and comport themselves. I give T&T a lot of credit for improving the lives of some young men who really need it, but the average Iowa guy looks worn out and tired of the sport. The average cowboy looks like they are ready to transfer or drop out, hopefully C Scott will make it a fun room again.
  3. The man is a symptom, not a cause, of the direction Flo decided to move in ~5 years ago, hewing to clickbaity gaslighty snark that is successful on social media. It works, and his style works on social media-focused consumers. That same move gutted Flo of the spirit and direction that made it a real torch-bearer for wrestling broadly. This has been laid out by all the guys who have left. Off the top of my head, in its heyday, flo had joe flo, fretwell, roper, mike mal, and our own esteemed host on this platform. All dudes who cared deeply about the sport, and achieved personally therein, coming to flo for a love of the sport. Everything they put out just beamed with enthusiasm. Early to mid 2010’s flo was incredible. Nowadays, what % of the guys on the current flowrestling squad actually wrestled? I don’t believe their current flagbearer did.
  4. While watching this match the whole time I was thinking “dang, I can’t wait to see this match in a year or two”
  5. It could go great for him. Speaking from personal experience as a far worse but similarly built athlete from a long time ago, a decision to move up ten pounds and one weight class had me running over guys I couldn’t handle the year before bc “weight management” took it out of me. It allowed my frame to fill out, sleep better, be better rested and be much stronger Hamiti might be getting really big in the off-season, or even in-between matches. It’s hard to bring the heat when your body explodes back up in weight from just seeing calories or hydration.
  6. Very true. And Iowa was likely getting a higher average tier of recruit. No Penn State to compete with. Coaching trees have grown, and wrestling has largely moved on and disproven the Iowa grind style in favor of “hey let’s actually respect our bodies and our minds and see what that does” approach. Twin mini-gables and Mr J Smith are so dyed-in-the-wool blood sweat and tears coaches they squeeze their athletes too hard, or just don’t know another way. There’s an interview with either John or one of the brands about a time when one of the brands walked up to John and asked when they can expect to finally stop getting fired up and not want to go fight the world while their wrestlers are competing. The answer from John was “it never stops.” Then…a more mature well-rounded adult devised a far more comprehensive coaching persona, style, and culture, and left those programs in the dust. Two of these rooms coach based in anger and discipline, one coaches based on gratitude, perspective, and creativity. The sport has moved on in a big way and its a great thing.
  7. Lol if that’s a bryce andonian final score someone got pinned.
  8. Seriously, my brain has started conflating IOC, FIFA, and UWW.
  9. Because the right price hadn’t been reached. It’s pretty amazing how for sale just about every inch of international moral fiber is.
  10. I'd agree with this if you are getting yourself into a school that is killer in rankings, and is going to get you an engineering-type degree, or if you know as an athlete you want to be a lawyer or an accountant. Otherwise, the return on investment on a US college education is pretty trash right now. I'm not saying it always has been, or it always will be that way, but colleges have become so egregiously profit-seeking, all but the very best have diluted their programs and the offerings into oblivion. Grade inflation is also rapidly doing away with much of the value of a college transcript as well. In a world where many of the highest paying jobs available don't even require college, and a growing number are that way, the sorts of personalities who are capable of getting themselves onto college sports teams are the ones who have the innate capabilities to get themselves into other good positions as well. If you are an aggressive self-starter, responsible, and dedicated, all of which are must-haves to be a college athlete, you don't need college. And the Ivy does give athletic scholarships, they just aren't allowed to call it that. The shape it takes is being admitted to the University with much lower grade standards and a comped education. Ivies all have enormous endowments, and they use them in this way to get around the scholarship situation.
  11. I think his only iowa loss was to larry quissel of boise state in the ncaa semi’s his junior year.
  12. I really like college sports and much of me doesn’t want it to change for nostalgic reasons, but hell yeah this is awesome. I’m all for anything that does away with the NCAA’s and a College’s ability to lay claim to and encumber a student's life in an unbalanced fashion. Student’s only sign up for these de facto minor leagues bc they are the monopolized pipeline to most pro sports. That said, they step on so many burgeoning careers, and thus lives, with their limitations, it needs to go away. If you look at any sports that don’t need the NCAA, and where athletes mature and are ready earlier or have other avenues, athletes avoid the NCAA as much as possible. I’m thinking of basketball, baseball and hockey specifically. It would bring me great joy to know that the encumbrance factories we call higher education have a diminished ability to hold undue sway over the futures of young people.
  13. If they actually care about the women’s team I can’t imagine how you bring a guy with his history in without immediately and permanently poisoning the atmosphere. I’m all for second chances, but at whose and what expense? If you track this back and look at the number of high schools he went too and through as well, this is a long-term trend. For Blair and Bergen Catholic to not be willing to put up with you, that’s saying a lot, I know historically from personal experience those schools have brought some guys through their programs who really pushed some boundaries. They really give their kids a good deal of rope, but they do have limits.
  14. For athletes, I think they are purely in terms of total achievement. In terms of non-athlete admission, that’s entirely dependent upon the selectivity of each school. But, generally speaking, selectivity tracks directly to financial wellbeing of the school. The inflection point is $1 billion in the endowment. Above that, schools make more off endowment returns than tuition, and they can let in whoever they like. Below $500mil, schools really need each year’s tuition revenue, and they do whatever they can to get students to show up and pay tuition. For some schools, nothing works, or their strategy is trash, and…like lindenwood…enrollment tanks. This also tracks directly to low enrollment or poor offerings in the best majors which provide college students an reasonable expectation of good employment, for undergrad these are compsci, bio/biomed, engineering, and business.
  15. NIL is goinv to change things, but Lindenwood has the scale to be successful, the heads of the school have just dropped the ball hard in the past decade. The school stood by and watched as enrollment dropped precipitously. Total enrollment has gone from 12K to 7K students, and undergrad enrollment has dropped from 8K to 4K students. That is an absolute gutting. NIL is important, but the average university runs on at least $100mil a year budget, NIL money is small compared to the other allocations they make. If you are thinking about where to send your kids, look into a form called the 990 or the annual financial audit. That will tell you how long the reputation of a school will be in tact.
  16. Deakin vs Teamer NCAA semi’s. This was/is a favorite finish for Deakin, I saw him use it in a number of other matches too. He uses it when he hits a sweep single and can’t get out of a wizzer down on the mat, he reaches the outside hand across to the foot of the leg he’s attacking, wraps all the way around to the heel, and just hips in/turns away as hard as possible. It’s the peewee dirty move special, he made sure to go right to it after teamer put him on his back in a cradle. It’s effectively an inside heel hook. It’s disgusting to see and to learn about a wrestler.
  17. This isn’t a Lindenwood hating wrestling thing, this is an enrollment tanking and Lindenwood having to burn $40 million (10% of free assets) annually to keep the lights on thing. You heard it here first, institutional financial viability is the next great challenge college wrestling will face. Many colleges/universities that are home to wrestling programs operate literally tuition paycheck to tuition paycheck, they have no resiliency to enrollment declined. If you want to save wrestling programs, tell your school to do a better job recruiting China, India and Vietnam. International enrollment will save wrestling programs.
  18. Based off zero evidence, my guess at the pronunciation would be just like “phoenix” and “zoey”
  19. I’d be in favor of them taking that one rule from jiu jitsu, that it is referees discretion where out of bounds is and continuation beyond the mat is always the assumption. Nobody plays the line in jiu jitsu bc it is moving and entirely up to the ref.
  20. I agree with you 1000% here. I don’t want Folkstyle to get as bad in terms of chasing shiny things with rule changes is my point.
  21. For it to really make a difference the coach will have to be someone who has magnetic pull as an athlete and is really buttoned up as a coach. Historically, Big ten programs really suffered from getting caught in the old gable way of hating life and breaking yourself to pieces to “wrestle hard”. Much of that seems to have left college wrestling, but Barry David was the last one to push it bigtime, and I don’t see how Bono and reader have really moved on from that. They have a lot of what looks like injuries and burnout from a stressful room. The only other to places that visibly hang onto that philosophy I can think of are OSU and Iowa. There kinda seems to be a dearth of well-prepared coaches right now, likely bc the current crop of international competitors has gone so long. Who can you bring in that is magnetic enough to overhaul the vibe of the program? You can’t clone Askren, and I think he cares about his Athletes and his independence too much to take the job, but who else has that sort of vibe?
  22. I hope they did, they showed the refs watching, when they were reviewing they were watching a playback of the broadcast footage. We still have a ways to go before wrestling enjoys an NFL-type setup. One day though hopefully, one day.
  23. You can argue that, and I respect that approach and hope it is a massive wave of change that is underway, but if you've spent 13 years wrestling and around wrestlers at all levels from peewee through 4 years of college, I would be surprised if you would continue to make this argument. There are absolutely pockets and teams that do not tolerate this behavior, but we are talking about the average school with the average college wrestlers. 1) No college sport gets in the way of studying and being a good student more than wrestling. Trying to study for a test while cutting 10+ pounds at the same time has diminishing returns. It can be done, but by definition you are not getting the most out of yourself in one when you have to focus on the other. 2) Few college sports are as physically and mentally extreme as wrestling. When that is your standard for normal, it leads to some rowdy behavior outside the season, both bc it doesn't seem normal, and bc wrestlers have so much pent up after the season, a lot of it has to come out, and it does in ridiculous ways. There is nothing wrong with either of these in a vacuum. The problem comes in when comparing a wrestlers reality to the expectations universities lay over their low-income programs. If wrestling landed each school fat TV contracts and netted millions per year, this would magically cease to be a concern. But for the average program, aka the fringe, might be here in 10 years might get ODU'd program, it is a reality and a real concern.
  24. Thanks, and woof that’s brutal wording. I almost feel bad for the refs, they are put in some tough spots having to create and manage expectations for what stalling and reaction time are on their mats.
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