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Everything posted by wrestle87

  1. I never have a good feeling about guys who get super fired up or majorly emotionally invested in their conference tournament. Those guys rarely have the same level of showing at Nationals.
  2. It's always wild to see, not all the guys bring their toolboxes with them to nationals
  3. Swiderski and chittum are tough, it would be really great if they were able to actually score points though.
  4. As soon as I saw that matchup I knew I missed an opportunity.
  5. More energy and better commentary...that's just a dude there to take your job
  6. Chael Sonnen clearly did a few nose beers before getting on this broadcast.
  7. I thought that was a hail mary "no there was a whistle on the other mat" point
  8. I can't help it, every time I read this thread title, my eyes see "Manning calling a spladle a spladle"
  9. Yeah, hopefully DC can get Burroughs to let his guard down a bit and relax. A DT DC combo would be my personal dream team.
  10. Thank goodness. It seems astonishingly difficult to get good play-by-play guys for wrestling...even though knowledge levels of your average fan are very high. This really made my day. Finally getting some dudes who know how to talk and narrate a match as its happening.
  11. Yo, f*ck this guy. Don't need to rehash the disgusting, manipulative filth he's putting out there, but goddamn. Also...not to go on a rant too hard, but wtf is up with youtube? They'll bring hellfire for a wrong word, but this dude's channel is allowed to stay up and active?
  12. Shane Sparks, Billy Baldwin held overnight in Kansas City jail after a mistake errant comment about ground coffee mid-broadcast.
  13. I remember sitting around being all sucked out, waiting to weigh in for one tournament in college in the late 00's, and our coach told us stories about what it used to be like with 24 hour weigh-ins. Just insanity, dudes doing everything under the sun to suck water out of their bodies, but then also being able to just go back and get absolutely massive by the time they were actually supposed to wrestle. I think this is something mitch clark talked about in his book, saying he weighed at or over 200lbs by the time he stepped on the mat for his 177 lb ncaa finals match. But yeah...the weigh-in rules are a good thing. Look at how much weight UFC guys suck out and then put back on. 205's walk around ~240, 185 guys weight ~220 by the time they get in the cage... Even though pulling weight is still a thing, I'm glad they put brackets on it, it has taken the worst 15% off of it, and now guys either perform terribly or just miss weight, which is a walk in the park compared to other serious downside outcomes.
  14. What happens in this situation? Are you disqualified or do you just forfeit? Edit: I did my own research, he just forfeited his matches that day.
  15. I would not paint with this broad of a brush. The sociopaths amongst the penn state crowd maybe, but no well-balanced human being enjoyed seeing that.
  16. This is the type of savage post I haven't seen in many many years...
  17. He's just being a good coach. Not much else anyone can ask for. Whether or not he makes any sense in that situation is...another matter. But when coaches go to the mat for their kids, they famously eschew logic and reasoning, because frankly, it doesn't do a lot to really bolster team cohesion and to buoy the guy into next year.
  18. Ferrari brothers secretly failed deep agents for Iowa’s competition. What a strategy.
  19. I have been quietly worrying about this all year. He’s been really quiet, and news about him has been really quiet, for a long time. That seems intentional, and when somebody’s getting the “Cael” treatment the whole season, it doesn’t bode great things necessarily, especially when he just won worlds in a rather dominant fashion.
  20. To address the injury elephant in the room, how much of a contender is Vito going to be this tournament? Is he a 7th/8th guy? And what happened, is he legit pulling a concussed, injured back, AND torn knee coming into this tournament?
  21. This is so awesome, thanks for doing this. 125: DeAugustino - UMich 133: Zaccone - Campbell 141: Matthews - Pitt 149: Williams - Okie State 157: Saldate - Mich State 165: Buell - Purdue 174: Baker - Cornell 184: Rogotzke - OSU, feels too easy but that is silly firepower at and 18 seed 197: Geog - OSU HWT: Hill - Iowa
  22. It has been a while, but I do remember a great number of frisbees at those camps. I think the single most memorable thing from those Fargo prep camps was 1) that was the first 1 hour grind match I had ever done, and 2) one summer out at Blair, I think it was '04, we all did tumbling warmups for whichever practice it was, and while we did roundoffs, Darrion did the highest backflip I've ever seen a human being do. It was like the pivot point was his head, which is at just about 6 feet tall, maybe a little shorter, and the rest of his body just seemed to rotate around it. That was the first time I saw another human being do something so impressive that it just made me laugh and say "pfff, dude what the hell."
  23. This to me, is the most entertaining/amazing match I've ever seen in the finals. It was my 4th year of wrestling, it was only the second year that I watched the finals on TV, absolutely blew my mind. Followed closely by this one, having been a very mediocre member of team NJ with caldwell in high school, it was amazing to see how much he just kept improving. I still wish he hadn't gone rollerblading that day. He was nowhere near his peak when he won this title. He was really starting to tear it up in freestyle too.
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